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Polymath. Dreamer. Surfer on life's Sea of Chaos. Romantic. In awe of trees... and other natural things! A recovering pessimist -- who still suffers regular relapses!

  • Apparently UK Government may try to stimulate the economy by dropping wads of cash from a helicopter...?

    Does anyone know where and when these flights will take place, I'd like to be ready with my wheelbarrow?

    3 AnswersOther - Business & Finance9 years ago
  • What will you do when the world economy collapses and money becomes worthless?

    When you cannot sell anything to get cash to buy food, and when the money you have in the bank either becomes inaccessible or worth less than the paper it is printed on... and a wheelbarrow of cash won't buy a loaf of bread... how will you cope?

    Are you already growing your own food? Can you already make all the food you need -- cook -- preserve, etc etc?

    Do you have a supply of fresh water if the taps stop flowing?

    How will you manage if the electric grid fails -- no TV, no fridge, no freezer, etc?

    Just a quick poll of general public readiness -- thanks...

    11 AnswersCurrent Events10 years ago
  • Is anyone else as annoyed about being misled like this as I am...?

    My wife just told me that she has just read that the world is ACTUALLY going to end in October 2011 and NOT December 2012! This has really messed up my plans -- Is anyone else equally annoyed about been misled about the World End date like this? I think it is wholly irresponsible of the fringe theorists not to have been clearer sooner about this date -- as I now have to rush out and buy sugar and tins of beans during September this year, as I was originally not planning to do this until next summer!

    14 AnswersMythology & Folklore10 years ago
  • Could this have been the one that 'slipped off'?

    Apparently NASA has spotted an old 'Trojan' floating around in front of Mother Earth..

    Could this have ben the one that slipped off-- resulting in the birth of the Moon?

    The bigger question -- who is the Father?

    (IMHO: Probably Mars (as he's nearer) although it may have been Jupiter who slipped in the back door -- and left Mars red-faced and barren ;D -- but other suggestions welcome)

    1 AnswerJokes & Riddles10 years ago
  • Hearing about "Jonnie Marbles" made me wonder -- would you rather...?

    ...lose your 'Jonnie' or lose your 'Marbles'?

    2 AnswersPhilosophy10 years ago
  • Is this how to save the economy billions the Jonnie Marbles' way..?

    Yahoo! via Sky News tells us that Jonathan May-Bowles (aka Jonnie Marbles ) in:

    Explaining his actions (in attempting to 'custard pie' Rupert Murdoch) May-Bowles said: "...I guess I did it because I had no faith in the Parliamentary process and I wanted to see some kind of justice done."

    Members of the audience described how the protester carried out the attack saying: "You naughty billionaire."

    (ref: )

    Using this model -- should we now do away with the prison system (hence saving billions a year!) and simply set-up a 'foam pie-ing' mechanism whereby we all (general public) get a turn (like jury service perhaps?) to 'foam pie' anyone accused of a crime whilst shouting things appropriate such as: "You naughty burglar", "You naughty tax-evader" or "You naughty fraudster" etc etc etc...

    (Naturally -- for more serious crimes such as rape, murder or paedophilia -- the foam pie could be replaced with an iron bar? Or W.H.Y.?)

    2 AnswersCurrent Events10 years ago
  • I didn't know Victoria Beckham was married to Ricky Gervais -- did you?

    But from the photo featured on this Yahoo! item it looks to be the case (although I acknowledge that Ricky's recent bout of fitness activity has helped him shape-up a bit!):

    5 AnswersCelebrities10 years ago
  • Is the truth about the NOTW closure that...?

    They simply thought that with the World ending in 2012, it would mean it was a waste of time persisting with marketing such a brand name? ---

    (Obviously Murdoch and and his fancy woman Brooks will have seats on one of the space rockets leaving Earth 'just in time' -- so one has to guess that they are already planning to launch "The News of Mars" Sunday tabloid -- or similar titled for wherever they are headed (e.g. News of Gliese 581g????)! Maybe the newspaper is already being sold to the off-planet NASA forces anyway!)

    4 AnswersMedia & Journalism10 years ago
  • So who actually read the article about Prince Charles' public funding increase?

    Apparently expenditure rose a 'shocking' 17%+ from 1.66 to 1.96 million! That's £300,000... by my reckoning.

    Which it is acknowledged largely went to cover the considerable (near 55,000 km) travel

    "to and from official engagements..."

    His personal income rose about 4% (of 17 odd million largely from the Duchy of

    Cornwall) which must represent an increase of around £700,000

    BUT his tax bill rose by over 26% -- he paid £4.4 million -- so his INCREASED

    tax payments (contribution to state funds!) were in the order of 1.1 million (on

    balance making him some £400,000 worse off -- on income alone!)

    PLUS although his personal spending rose by 50% -- to £2.5 million (so maybe he

    spent some £800,000 odd more than the previous year) this was apparently due to

    contributing to funding the wedding of William and Catherine -- PLUS increased

    'gifts' to charity!!

    As the wedding funding and charity must be seen as 'giving back' (as all

    wedding spending must effectively 'stimulated some parts of the 'economy'...

    and charity is -- well charity!)

    Overall -- he spent (paying money to businesses in the UK) and paid in tax close to

    £2 million MORE than the previous year...

    Yet the fact that commitments international 'State visit' commitments

    ended costing just £300,000 more has attracted the rash of media and anti-monarchy


    On balance it seems he 'contributed' some £1.7million more towards the UK balance sheet...

    So why so much baloney -- I am not a 'monarchist' BUT gainsayers ought to look at the bigger picture -- no matter how much anyone might disagree with the 'monarchy' as an institution ---

    'we' were winners rather than loser in this equation --

    13 AnswersRoyalty10 years ago
  • Genderless baby in Toronto -- naturally the baby CANNOT be genderless she is either a girl, or he is a boy --?

    Is this not merely a case of a 'clueless' parents or just more 'pointless' journalism -- or are we just becoming 'less' able to tell right from wrong as a society, and what is natural from what is unnatural?...

    Is it not still a fact that you don't 'choose' your gender you are clearly born 'male' or 'female' -- (except in some rare physiological aberrations such as hermaphroditism, or in later cases of psychological 'gender confusion' which is more than likely 'engendered' by poor parenting and inadequate parental role models during a child's critical 'self-awareness' development phase anyway!?)

    8 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • If the North and South poles swap position will this mean that in the 'Northern Hemisphere'...?

    bath water will start to go dow the plug-hole in the oppposite direction to what it does now?

    If so -- will this mean that it is the End of the Swirl as we know it?

    3 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago
  • How will Miliband feel having Johnson out and Balls elevated?

    Have you had a similar experience -- if so how was it for you?

    3 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Are you aware of the shocking revelation about Wikileaks latest US leaks...?

    Wikileaks (as reported on Yahoo): "...The latest US leaks say the leadership of Vladimir Putin has created a "virtual mafia state", while top officials collect bribes "like a personal taxation system".

    The cables add that Russian spies use mafia bosses to carry out criminal acts, such as arms trafficking."...

    The SHOCKING truth? This wasn't a secret! -- Everyone has known that the USSR is being run by gangsters for years!

    Indeed all the fuss about Wikileaks posting 'sensitive' documents is apparently because they simply confirm what any mildly informed person already knows: i.e. Globally governments are corrupt, conniving and inept -- funded, infiltrated, influenced and controlled as they are by commercial entities and interests in the name of profit, rather than good human governance!

    The real question -- how much more evidence do 'we' need before we decide it is time for 'the worms to turn'?

    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How times change? (Or not) Is IDS just doing a Tebbit?

    IDS has apparently suggested that the unemployed 'get on the bus' and look for work! back in 1987 Norman (now Lord) Tebbit did almost the same, by suggesting that the unemployed 'got on their bikes' (as he supposedly did when he was temporarily unemployed) and look for work! Is IDS simply angling for his future place in the second House... or at least in Wikipedia?

    ...And surely the important crticism is that IDS has failed (unlike Stormin' Norman) to encourage the lazy, shirkers and layabouts to actually do some exercise whilst seeking work -- which might also end up saving the NHS a few bob if they should 'inadvertently' become a little less unhealthy in the process!!

    Where have the standards gone to!?

    How will be ever get out of this double-dip recession if those good-for-nothing idle dole-wallers don't mend their ligging ways -- living off the decent law-abiding, hard-grafting working and middle class folks who get hit-up from all sides by the increased taxes, austerity measure claw-backs and paying for the continued excessive handouts to the oafish, lazy under-class!!

    (P.S. Has IDS actually been on a bus lately himself to realize how da*n expensive the b*ggers are? Most of the unemployed and unemployables in the UK probably can't even afford such luxury travel anyway! He should surely have been more sensitive in his suggestions and told them to 'walk' to the Job Centre -- this would at least have both the effects of improving health through exercise, AND saving them money!)

    4 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Is he going to fire himself first of all?

    Apparently Hungarian PM Viktor Orban:

    "...promised the "toughest possible" consequences for those responsible for the disaster.

    "Behind this tragedy human errors and mistakes must exist," he said. "We are going to reveal all of that."

    How about firing and taking legal action against the politicians and political leader who allowed any company that processes Alumina to get away with stocking up nearly 200 million gallons of toxic sludge waste in the first place? This surely didn't 'accumulate' over night! What the heck were they thinking?

    4 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Has anyone (normal) actually earned money by starting a home business with an MLM or Network Marketing company?

    Like a lot of people we need a few extra bucks a month just now, having been made redundant in these economic times and got bills to pay... So it would be interesting to know if any of these great sounding opportunities actually can be worthwhile signing for... And if so just HOW do you make them work?

    8 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • Isn't is rather ironic that the Americans asked Ricky Gervais to host the Golden Globes?

    ...given that they signally fail to 'get irony' and much of Gervais humor makes such good use of it?

    3 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago