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    Travel during Covid? ?

    I was planning to travel to Chile this December to see a solar eclipse and do some photography throughout the region. It was the trip of a lifetime that I had been planning for about a year and a half. I purchased my trip back in February and naturally I was trying to be optimistic that Covid would be over by then, or at least we’d have a vaccine. Fast forward to today, cases are rising almost everywhere  it seems, but the borders to Chile opened anyways and the trip is still on. I actually canceled my trip today because I didn’t want to risk getting my family or friends sick, also I didn’t want to risk missing Christmas time with everyone I love, as I’d have to be quarantined alone for 2 weeks after I come home (missing Christmas and New Years). Though

    I feel extremely sad that I canceled my trip, I am having second thoughts as it was the trip of a lifetime. I just need assurance that I did the right thing or perhaps that I made the wrong choice and should have gone anyways. Let me know what you think. 

    4 Answers5 months ago
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    Is it safe to live on Chile?

    6 Answers2 years ago
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    Will the Royal family finally get it right, and Prince George will become the best king....EVER.?

    Favourite answer:

    No, they are destined to keep making the same mistakes, generation after generation. Here's hoping that George will give the Monarchy a miss. He might end up happier.

    8 Answers2 years ago
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    Was Sir Prince Philip wrong to say the Queen's ex butler was as sharp as a beachball?

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    No, for once in his life, he is spot on in his judgement.

    6 Answers2 years ago
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    Is the Queen keeping up with the Brexit farce, or is she too old to understand or care about what the torys are doing to the country.?

    Favourite answer:

    Makes you wonder about what Liz and Theresa talk about during their weekly meetings.

    5 Answers2 years ago
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    Is it normal for my Butt Hike to stink?

    It smells really bad

    3 Answers2 years ago