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Are you thinking of getting LASIK?
If so, what's stopping you,
1) scared, concerned with safety
2) too expensive
3) happy with contacts/ glasses
3 Answers
- Anonymous1 decade ago
I thought about getting LASIK. But the risks are just too great. You only have one pair of corneas. If they screw up the operation and ruin your corneas, then what? What if you have the operation and your vision gets worse. You'll have to go back and get the operation again. And they could screw it up then.
The primary reason people get LASIK is for the sake of vanity. It's always about the way a person looks. That's pretty shallow. Are glasses really such a bad thing? Or are the people whom you encounter so shallow that they'll think less of you if you're wearing glasses?
In conclusion, the risk is too great for the reward.
- ninja_girlLv 51 decade ago
2) too expensive but also my Aunt had it done and they overcorrected her vision and messed up her vision.