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what could be wrong with my car if I am turning the key and the engine would turn all the way over?
8 Answers
- JT B ford manLv 61 decade agoFavourite answer
Check battery cables and try again, If no response may need a new battery hope this helps.
Source(s): 36 years @ ford motor co repairman - anthentherwasiLv 61 decade ago
dont understand the question the engine is suppose to turn over when you turn the key
- ricrossfireclubLv 41 decade ago
You're probably in some deep water, call the coast guard before it's too late!! Perhaps if you wrote the question correctly, you'd get a better response than you are getting.
Nobody understands what you are asking. Pardon me, if the first response was a little tongue in cheek ,as they say, it was merely written to jog you into composing a sensible question that CAN be answered.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
nothing...turn the key and it should turn all the way over
- 1 decade ago
dude what the f$ck are you thinking, don't turn the key!!!
Source(s): I pulled it outta my a$$ - Kiffin # 1Lv 61 decade ago
Maybe your motor mounts are broken? I'm not sure, but if they aren't, then you've got a heck of a powerful starter motor!! Good luck!! (Thanks for the two points!)