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CALLING ALL FORD MECHANICS 2000 ford explorer wont start?

i have a 2000 ford explorer 4.0l ohv 2WD. i have replaced the fuel pump, filter an inertia switch still it wont start unless i spray starting fluid into the throttle body then it cuts off after about 5 seconds i disconnected a fuel line and gas comes out when i put the key in the on position so the pump is working but i dont think its getting to the injectors anyone have any idea what could be wrong? also codes 171 and 174 are reading


thanks for all the responses someone else told me it could be the fuel pressure regulator too so i'm leaning towards that or the pcm once again thanks for the help

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    If you are getting fuel, then you will want to check the injectors to see if they are actually working. Using a noid light or similar, check to see if the injectors are firing, the light should blink when you are trying to start the engine. If they are not working, it could be a short in the injector wiring, or a defective PCM, the injectors are grounded by the PCM, if it is not completing the circuit, it may have an internal problem. The P0171 and P0174 are Lean codes for bank 1 and 2 of the engine, which would be caused by a loss of fuel while the engine is running.

    Source(s): Ford Certified technician ASE Master Certified technician Ford Certified Diesel Specialist 19 years experience
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You need to test the fuel pressure at the fuel rail. Just because gas comes out does not mean you have the required fuel pressure to run the engine. 171 and 174 are lean codes for bank 1 and bank 2, which makes sense, its getting no gas. If you actually have fuel pressure, then the injectors are the next thing to check. They may not be getting a signal from the pcm. This could be for a number of reasons, the first to check is crank sensor. I have seen several crankshaft pulleys migrate towards the engine and cut into the crankshaft position sensor. The rubber mount for the pulley deteriorates, and allows it to move away from the damper towards the engine block. A quick look with a flashlite will tell you if the pulley is in place or has moved. And surprisingly, the belt will stay on, and just ride on the rubber on the damper. The only symptom is a no start, from the crank sensor being destroyed by the pulley.

    Hope this helps, and good luck!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Code P0171 and P0174 is the MAF sensor, you need a new one. That shouldnt prevent the engine from starting. Did you check the fuel pressure regulator?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You may not have enough pressure in the lines, either a bad fuel pump or a leak. Replace all the hoses and put screw-thread pipe clamps on the ends.

  • 5 years ago

    You may have threw a rod. If you are not good with engine, I would call around for engine rebuilt or replacement.

  • 1 decade ago

    Check and clean the MAF sensor and look for a vacuum leak.

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