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How likely is it that one of us on Yahoo! Answers could effectively run for national office?
I am confident there are a number of us more qualified than most of the representatives we have in Washington D.C., today.
3 Answers
- Beatle fanaticLv 71 decade agoFavourite answer
You could if you were rich. If not rich then forget it! Have to be a millionaire nowadays to run for national office.
- sidestepper11Lv 51 decade ago
Nothing is impossible, but judging by some of the Questions & answers on yahoo answers this world would be a very chaotic place.
In my personal estimation we would have quite a few Racists, Atheists, Lesbians, Homosexuals oh and a few Christians to name but a few, what a government!
- Anonymous1 decade ago
I think I could...I first want to start at the local State Rep for my hometown...I got it in the bag...the guy who is the Rep now only claim to fame was being School Superintendent...I am a Veteran and a popular person...=) and I am younger...I already have my campaign slogan
"Hope for the Future"