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John M
Can atheists afford to doubt evolution?
Believers in Jesus Christ can believe creation and evolution both. Atheists can't afford to doubt evolution.
24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoHow likely is it that one of us on Yahoo! Answers could effectively run for national office?
I am confident there are a number of us more qualified than most of the representatives we have in Washington D.C., today.
3 AnswersGovernment1 decade agoIs it time for the private sector to take over educating their future employees?
Escalating costs at public and private institutions and the unwillingness of educators to address real world problems and issues surely begs for more alternatives to traditional higher ed.
3 AnswersOther - Education1 decade agoWhich baseball player held the career HR record that Babe Ruth broke?
3 AnswersBaseball1 decade agoHas anyone eaten at Sol y Sombra restaurant in Scottsdale, Ariz.? If so, how was it?
A friend and I made all their furniture but I've never eaten there.
3 AnswersPhoenix1 decade agoIs the Katz deli in N. Y. City and the Katz deli in Austin, Tx. owned and/or operated by the same people?
both great food, just wondering
2 AnswersAustin1 decade ago