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When does the Generation 3 I-Pods actually come out?

I've been trying to buy one for the past few days and havent been able to get one.


I've been trying to get a new 4GB I-pod Nano. Walmart has said they are not allowed to release them yet

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Go to an apple store or you can buy one online at

  • kpan
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    You might be talking about the iPod Nanos. They are currently out right now released when it was unveiled at the Apple event last week. I've seen them in the Apple stores but you can also try Circuit City or Best Buy.

    The regular iPods (10GB and higher) are currently on its 6th generation since it came out in 2001.

    Shuffles I would consider to be 2.5 generation since the only thing that really changed was the color.

    Have you been trying to get the iPod Touch? I would imagine those are hard to come by since it has the features of the iPhone which draws great attention and demand.

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