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Constant Headaches?
Ok, here's the thing I had to lose a few extra pounds to join the army reserves. So I delibertly dehydrated myself and I lost 8 pounds... So the next day I start having these headaches that arnt painful... But more irritating then anything. I've had them for about a week know.
My girl friend says it maybe because of high or low blood pressure.
Just wondering if anyone may no whats going on.
2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade agoWhat does 4140 B-7 A193 ASTM mean?
I already know what the 4140 means and the ASTM means. I would like to know about the B7 and the A193.
4 AnswersEngineering1 decade agoWhen does the Generation 3 I-Pods actually come out?
I've been trying to buy one for the past few days and havent been able to get one.
2 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade agoPut a hold on my cell phone account.?
I was wondering if i can put a hold on my contract for a few months.
For 2 reasons I would like to save a little money and that i am also leaving for the army in 2-3 months.
2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade agoBad shimmy in my chevy cobalt.?
I have a terrible shimmy. Its bad when im goin around 5 miles an hour but as i pick up speed the shimmy goes away but it sort of sounds like there is sumthin rubbing.
Not to sure whats goin on here... Could it be a tie rod?
1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoDo I have to pay the full cancellation fee for my cell phone?
I have t-mobile phone... Can i get out of this without paying the full amount at one time.
3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago