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Bad shimmy in my chevy cobalt.?
I have a terrible shimmy. Its bad when im goin around 5 miles an hour but as i pick up speed the shimmy goes away but it sort of sounds like there is sumthin rubbing.
Not to sure whats goin on here... Could it be a tie rod?
I have a terrible shimmy. Its bad when im goin around 5 miles an hour but as i pick up speed the shimmy goes away but it sort of sounds like there is sumthin rubbing.
Not to sure whats goin on here... Could it be a tie rod?
Also does anyone know the possible cost to get this fixed
Also does anyone know the possible cost to get this fixed
1 Answer
- Mad JackLv 71 decade agoFavourite answer
You may have hit something and caused damage.
Bent rim or bent suspension. Best plan would be to bring it to an alignment shop for a 4 wheel alignment. Their equipment will quickly identify what is wrong.
I suggest you stop driving it NOW until you have it repaired. Normally, there is only about 1/2" clearance between the suspension and the tire. If the suspension is rubbing against the tire, you are only going to ruin your tire. making the repairs more expensive. If the tire blows out at highway speed, it could cause a bad accident and you could be injured. Please fix it now.
Anything else would only be a wild guess.