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Do you have to pay the full amount for a cancellation fee on a cell phone contract?



Meaning can i pay monthly say 65 dollars a month for 3 months instead of $200 right up front?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    I use to work in a call center for a major cell phone company and there were only one time when I waived the Early Termination Fee. The person was being deployed to Iraq. Actually, I think since then they now have a policy where the person can just "freeze" their service and when they return it will begin again. Sorry.

    That is why, instead of getting a "free" phone every two years and renewing a contract, I just go on e-bay and by a phone that goes with my service for around $25. It isn't brand new but newer then the one I have and I am not in contract so I can cancel at any time and not pay $175 bucks to do so.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes. I had to go throught that about 6 months ago, and if you signed on the dotted line for the two year or one year plan, they'll make you give them every cent. It's horrible. With mine, I had changed my plan to include more minutes and they renewed my contract without telling me, and when i called in to cancel it, they told me that i had agreed over the phone and there was no way they were letting me out of my contract without paying the full $200 cancellation fee. Plus, they turn your phone off, right then, so you better make sure you already have something planned, or your new phone.

  • Nope, you can't pay monthly. What they do is they treat it like another cellphone bill. Say you canceled your contract in September, in October you will get a phone bill for the full $200 which you have to pay within a month.

  • Zeera
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I have Verizon, and am using a family plan ($69.99) with 2 phones. It would cost me about $175 PER PHONE to get out of my contract (a 2-year). I'd also have to pay whatever my current bill is, of course.

    Doesn't it bite?

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    once you're nonetheless on contract, you will ought to pay the linked fee to get out of that contract. you will possibly be waiting to establish with your provider to pay the linked fee in diverse sessions of time. each and each provider is diverse regardless of the shown fact that. touch the provider to verify what your techniques are.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yup you have to pay right to the end of the contract... you may as well keep the phone till the contract expires

  • 1 decade ago

    yes in most cases, unless the persons who name is on the account has passed away or if you have moved and they dont have service in that area.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes those companies are like loan sharks they don't give an inch gl......

  • 1 decade ago


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