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Do I have to pay the full cancellation fee for my cell phone?
I have t-mobile phone... Can i get out of this without paying the full amount at one time.
3 Answers
- 1 decade agoFavourite answer
There are only a couple of way to get out of the contract.
1.) Prove that you live in an area that doesn't recieve service from T-Mobile or any of it's roaming partners. You have to be able to provide documentation showing that you live in this residence.
2.) Perform a change of responsibility. Find someone who wants T-Mobile service, and more or less sign the remainder of the contract over to them. It's a simple procedure, just contact customer care and they can walk you through it.
if neither of the options will work for you then you will be charged the $200 early termination fee, however you are give several months (three I think) to close your account before being turned over to a collection agency.
- MayLv 41 decade ago
If you are still on contract, you will have to pay the fee to get out of that contract.
You may be able to set up with your provider to pay the fee in different periods of time. Each provider is different though. Contact the provider to see what your options are.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Tell them you are moving to Alaska or some place that does not have T-M services.