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COLORADO ROCKIES gonna make the playoffs ???
They are a team absolutely ON FIRE right now ! They've won the last 11 in a row. You think they'll make the playoffs ? ... or is it too little, too late ?
7 Answers
- Anonymous1 decade agoFavourite answer
They're getting their shot at it, hosting Arizona at home. This is definitely crunch time. The way the Mets are playing, the Rockies might just pass them for a Wildcard spot.
- Js_5Lv 51 decade ago
As much as I like Arizona's team, I do hope Colorado makes it because they haven't had much playoff experience in their history and it's good for baseball to get teams that are new to the experience in there every season, I think.
What a stretch they've been on. They deserve some huge credit for sticking with it even if they don't make the playoffs.
- Elaine SLv 51 decade ago
They can make the playoffs - just keep playing great!
If they sweep the diamondbacks they are in -- they could be in if the diamondbacks win one depending on how the other teams do.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
hell yea they gunna win make the playoffs their gunna win the wild card and knock out the whoeva wens the wild east and play the cubs in the nlcs n take it to game 7 and lose in xtra's
- 1 decade ago
If they can beat arizona the next three days they will definatley go... They even have a shot at winning the division.
- texasman75147Lv 41 decade ago
it will be nice to see it if they do, they are set up to win and they are in. The last 3 games against the diamondbacks they can still win the division.
- 1 decade ago
I agree even though they might not make it throug,they played their hearts out late,and I like the guys they have for future like Holliday,Francis,.If they can wipe out the Dbacks,look out.