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How do I send forward to a SPAM checker a full "header"?

I've been trying to have E-mail, showing that I have won a huge amount of money, SPAM checked by They replied back that they need a full header to follow the routing of the message (it's source). So I went back to the original nessage and clicked on the "header type" button at the top right corner of message page. When I do the "full header", It reveals the routing of the message, but I don't know how to forward this information back to "outblaze" to have it verified as SPAM. The message is "domain-keys" verified and looks very genuine. What do I do?

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    When I simply forward messages to or, they are able to check that it is spam and not genuine. I expect forwarding your message to would also be effective. A message box opens up where you can add your own few words, like your request to have it spam checked.

    Hope this helps. Of course, if you haven't entered, you can't have won ......

  • 7 years ago

    just tell them that your engines are bullet proof and flash your vampire teeth

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Trust me, you haven't won anything

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