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Law and Order Criminal Intent - this week's show?

I saw ads for a week that said this week's show, which aired last night (Thursday, 12/6) would be an extended show. The character, Robert Goren, was going undercover in a dept of corrections mental ward. There was a lot of hype in the ads about how it's too intense for just one hour. Then when the show aired, it was in it's usual time frame -- one hour. Also, the scenes shown in the preview ads did not appear in the show. What happened? Was the episode an extended version in some areas and not others? Does it matter who your cable/dish provider is? Why were the ads shown in our area if they weren't going to show the extended version? Does anyone know?


dnjo303 - I know that it was reported Vincent D'nofrio was having problems in his personal life; I think he collapsed from exhaustion last year -- that's why they brought in Noth and alternate the characters each week now. I hope that this week's show wasn't the beginning of them getting rid of Goren's character altogether.

Update 2:

Feivel - You're right, the episode didn't go into enough explanation. Was Goren faking the mental trauma he appeared to be under as part of his investigation or was he truly having a mental break?

Update 3:

LiteT -- He reminds me a little of Monk too!

Law and Order Criminal Intent - this week's show?

4 Answers

  • Feivel
    Lv 7
    2 decades ago
    Favourite answer

    I have no idea. It is as though the show was going along well and the writing just stopped. I wanted to ask them if the writers were working on that when they went in strike. I live in Chicago and it was not extended here on cable, Dish or Direct TV (I talked about it with friends). There is no information online about it and no information on either LOCI site or USA.

    All I noticed was that Vincent D'Onofrio has gained an enormous amount of weight and I wonder if he is going to be leaving the show and going back to movies or Broadway. The actors did not get the raises they wanted when the show moved to USA so maybe this will be the end of it. I have always thought they would write out the character of Bobby Goren by having him slip into schizophrenia like his mother. Maybe that is what happened. There will be no new episodes until August/September I read somewhere online.

    Who knows? I thought it was a poorly done episode that left us not only hanging but confused about what had just happened.

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  • 2 decades ago

    When you find out let me know, I was wondering the same thing.Some producer dropped the ball some where.There sure was alot of hype. Perhaps they'll bring it up next season. Our boy Bobby was a mess and now that he has been suspended who knows whats going to happen. He once yes in a show early this year that he was a WACK JOB.

  • 2 decades ago

    yeah i didn't even know about that...

    i always thought goren was a little crazy (for some reason he always reminded me of monk) but to actually see him in the state he was in...all i can say is that it was an awesome performance

  • Hirako
    Lv 5
    2 decades ago

    Law and Order

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