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Help finding old children's book?
I am looking for an old children’s book -- from 1940’s or 1950’s -- I’m not really sure of the exact time frame. There is a vague recollection of the story being centered around rutabagas -- growing them, etc. I believe rabbits may been involved somehow (as characters or something like that). Rutabagas are the only for sure known factor about the book. It may have been a Golden Book or if not, written and bound in a similar way. I know this is not much to go on, but it’s all I have. I’m trying to find a collector’s edition for a friend of mine, but that’s all she really remembers. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
3 Answers
- 1 decade agoFavourite answer
I had this same issue come up for a book I was trying to find to read to my son, and I struck gold by going to the local library, where the librarian posted a query to a library network email of only local libraries. 5 librarians came up with the title of my book, it too published in the 1950"s. All I remembered was that it was about a boy who was turned in to a cat, and had to learn how to be one - it is exactly the story I remembered reading when I was a kid. Try that route, and see what happens.
- 1 decade ago
It wouldn't happen to be LIVELY LITTLE RABBIT BY ARIANE would it?? It was printed circa 1945 as a Little Golden Book.
- 1 decade ago
Try, they have a "book sleuth" department that may be able to help you. Good luck.