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Anyone been to this resort?
Has anyone been to the Great Wolf Lodge in the Poconos, PA? Was it as nice as the website makes it out to be? What did you think of it and was it worth the price?
4 Answers
- Anonymous1 decade agoFavourite answer
been there and yes really cool.but more for kids than of all ages.rooms are really cool too.epensive but one night is enough for sure.can stay the whole next day.really fun
- Anonymous1 decade ago
the great wolf lodge rocks!It was worth the price!
Source(s): Great wolf - Anonymous1 decade ago
I haven't been to the one on PA but I've been to the one in KC and yes, it's great family fun. Everyone I know who has kids has been there, enjoyed it, and returned.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
omg you need to go there! it was worth more than i payed!! it sooo cool!!! go there!
you won't regret it!