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Book Of Mormon & the Tetragrammaton?

It is well known that the King James, and the early Catholic Bible of the same time replaced the Tetragrammaton (God's name - YHWH or JHVH) in the nearly 7000 places it occurs - except four places in KJ - with LORD or GOD.

This continued until the early 20th century when Bibles started to correct this gross error, the first being the American Standard Version - 1901, which used Jehovah in all 7000 places and continuing to now with the Catholic New Jerusalem - 1985, using Yahweh in all 7000 places.

My question - Why does the Book Of Mormon follow the KJ mistake of using "Lord" instead of Jehovah or another English variation? Wouldn't Joseph Smith have been inspired to use God's name in the Book Of Mormon? Who can explain this?


ADDED - We DO know God's name. It's the Tetragrammaton 7000 times. It's no mystery.

ADDED - Jehovah is in the Book Of Mormon, but only a very few times, in quotes from KJ. One is at 2Nephi 22:2 which quotes PS 83:18, of the only 4 places in KJ to use Jehovah. Isn't that curious?

Update 2:

ADDED - I've read the B of M also and know it quite well!

Update 3:

RW - ADDED - Nowhere in the Bible does it say that mispronouncing God's name is wrong. It says over and over to proclaim his name everywhere. It would be wrong for translators to remove it and substitute LORD.

And if you believe it's wrong, stop saying Jesus. That is definitely not the correct spelling OR pronunciation!

Update 4:

ADDED - Some posters here have a sad lack of Biblical knowledge and can't even comprehend my question. I'll state it this way - Why is the Book Of Mormon such a bad plagiarism and contains so many mistakes from KJ?

KJ has The Tetragrammaton 7000 times.

Mormon should have it 100s of times, not just where it quotes the KJ.

That is the ultimate proof positive that it's plagiarism!

Update 5:

CORRECTION - The ancient OT writings, not the KJ, have the Tetragrammaton 7000 times. The plates of Mormon should have it in the same proportion!

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    It says Jehovah, Christ, Jesus, Heavenly father, Lord, King of Kings, etc many times in the Book of Mormon....

    Source(s): I've read the Book of Mormon.
  • 1 decade ago

    Mormons dont believe in the trinity so the words arent necc interchangeable in the book of mormon.

    This is rather complicated because it goes into a more in depth understanding btwn the differences of the biblical people and that of the people over in the americas that book of mormon is about.

    The people in the americas had a better grasp of the concept diff btwn Christ and God and they also had a better grasp at the diff btwn the Law of Moses and the new law that Christ brought about.

    The translators and the authors (the original prophets) of the Bible interchanged the term God for that of Jesus when talking about God. It really goes into a deeper understanding of how we differentiate btwn God and Christ. We dont believe they are the same person and they arent interchangeable in either the Bible or the book of Mormon.

    If you really want to know, because I am not doing the best job explaining, I would suggest you look up a few articles on the subject at

    We have a diff belief in the nature of God and Christ and Prophets and how religion was spread thruout the earth. We believe in the teachings of Christ and we beleive Christ is our savior, but we also believe he created this earth thru the priesthood authority of God, who is our only God we worship. So when the term God comes up you have to examine the text and the doctrine to determine who they were talking about in the Bible.

    The book of mormon is a little more cut and dry because we believe they had a greater understanding of the differences, being that they had seperated from the people over in the biblical area of the world and had their own prophets and were developing their own seperate cultures.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yes, we know the hebrew spelling of God's personal name.

    but we dont know what it is. how to pronounce it was lost.

    "Jehovah" is ABSOLUTELY NOT the tetragrammaton.

    to say it is is willfully insulting to god and foolish.

    any "variation" other than the perfect true enunciation that is no longer known, IS WRONG.

    edit: lol. your kidding right? its obviously wrong from a few angles. most clearly, to me, the "name in vain" part being the most obvious.

    "to proclaim his name everywhere"? I think you are massively misintepereting something! it does not say this at all, in fact even in the temple period the actual enunciation of the name of God was massively limited, as its an extremely profound and powerful word!

    and to say "And if you believe it's wrong, stop saying Jesus. That is definitely not the correct spelling OR pronunciation!" while we are talking about God makes it all the more laughable. Jesus was not God, and to say that a being of human form was God is a profound blasphemy! at least when you mispronounce God's name you most likely mean well.

    if someone willfully and repeatedly mispronounced your name to your face, deliberately, wouldn't that be offensive to you?

  • 1 decade ago

    I've always viewed it as a matter of respect.

    I don't call my Earthly father by his given name. Why? Because it is considered disrespectful, so instead, I refer to him as Dad.

    And shouldn't I show my Heavenly Father 100x the respect that I show my Earthly father? So I'd call him by his titles, not his name.

    I feel the same way about the Savior. When quoting scriptures or discussing doctrine and his divine roll, I will use Jesus Christ or another of his many titles. But in casual conversation, I almost always refer to him as the Savior.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would argue that this is NOT a mistake. "Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain" is one of the Ten Commandments. The Children of Israel (and ergo the Lehites) took this commandment to heart and never uttered the name of I AM except in very rare situations. This tradition has led to the loss of the correct pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton's name.

    So, the question is what did the Nephites write on the plates? Did they write the name of Deity, or did they substitute one of His many titles? Only by determining that can we see if Joseph Smith Jr mistranslated the Book of Mormon.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    in accordance to the Index of the reproduction I actually have, "Jehovah" seems at 2 Nephi 22:2, the position it truly is a precise citation from the English King James version of Isaiah 12:2, "the Lord JEHOVAH is my skill and my music," and at Moroni 10:34 the position it speaks of "the excellent Jehovah, the eternal decide of both speedy and useless." notwithstanding, it sounds as if that the BOM confuses Jehovah with Jesus. the unique textual content of the BOM does no longer exist.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    that's just getting nit picky! in the end the lord has many names... eloheim, king of kings, lord, heavenly father,god... so on and so forth, but they all refer to the same person... should'nt you be focusing on WHO is being worshiped and not the name they are being worshiped by?

  • 1 decade ago

    Why do you christians bother to ask a question, if you are going to answer it yourself, or argue with everyone who answers, that disagrees with you??

    Source(s): atheist
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No one knows God's real name.

    We use God as a name for Him.

  • 1 decade ago

    When King James’ I call together his hand pick 54 scholars , their goal was to alter the Bible so that it fit their Protestant view point.

    In process they made 30,000 changes to the word of "God." They took out seven books of sacred scripture. (Old Testament: Judith, Ecclesiasticus, Baruch, Tobias, Wisdom, and the two books of the Machabees).

    There are many ways King James and his scholars deceitfully change sacred scripture.

    But, they fit in four general categories.

    First, is to reject the validity of whole books of sacred scripture.

    Second, they reject the ancient teaching and writing of Fathers o f the church, on sacred scripture and true meaning. These heretic try to negate their important by the theory of private interpretation of scripture. Which is streaky against the teaching of the Bible and Christ Church. (Sec. Peter 1:20)

    Third, these heretics perverted scripture by changing very texts. (The word of God) By adding or Subtracting to change or diminish the meaning here and their for their purposes. Fourth, is to make corrupt and false translations for they maintenance of their corrupt believes.

    The original 1611 King James venison had over 30,000 mistakes most of which have been corrected of these changes and bad translations. That many errors show a design and plan. Because it hard for 54 scholars to miss up that many times by accident. Either it was on purpose or they were 54 of the most incompetent scholars in history and they had no business even trying to translate the Bible. Here is a small listing of only few of them. They are thousands more. This author has found over 4,823 examples, all through I humble admit I have not even begun to scratch the surfaces. Here is a small list of a few:

    Luke 1:28

    ( King James Version) Hail, "thou that art highly favored,"our Lord is with thee

    (Should Be) Hail "full of grace," our Lord is with thee.

    Genesis 3:15

    (King James Version) "Its" shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt "bruise his heel."

    (Should Be) "She" shall bruise thy head in pieces and "thou shalt lie in wait for her heel."

    James 5:16

    (King James Version)"Confess" your "faults,"

    (Should Be) Confess," therefore, your "sins" one to another

    Corinthians 9:5

    (King James Version) Instead of "woman", they translate "wife" here also

    (Should Be) Have not we power to lead about a "woman", a sister

    Acts 20:28

    (King James Version) Where in the Holy Ghost hath made you "overseers, to feed the church" of God

    (should Be) Take need to yourselves, and to the whole flock, wherein the Holy Ghost hath placed you "bishops to rule the church" of God

    Matthew 11:10

    (King James Version) Instead of "angel" they say "messenger"

    (should Be) For this is he of whom it is written, Behold, I send mine "angle" before thy face.

    1 Timothy 9:14

    (King James Version)For the word "graces" they say "gift" and " presbytery" the Greek word rather than the English word, "priesthood

    (should Be) Neglect not the "graces" that is in thee, which is given thee by prophesy, with imposition of the hands of "priesthood."

    1 Timothy 3:8

    (King James Version) Likewise must the "deacons" be "grave"

    (should Be) "Deacons" in like manner "chaste," not double-tongued

    James 5:14

    (King James Version) Elders for "priests" here also

    (should Be) Is any man sick among you? Let him bring in the "priests" of the church, and let them pray over him

    Acts 15:2

    ( King James Version) The "priest" they say her also "elders"

    (should Be) They appointed that Paul and Barnabas should go up and certain other of the rest, to the apostles and "priests" unto Jerusalem.

    Genesis 47:31

    ( King James Version) And "Israel bowed himself upon" the bed’s head

    (should Be) "Israel adored God, turning to "the bed’s head.

    Romans 11:4

    (King James Version)I have left me seven thousand men that have not bowed their knees to "the image of" Baal

    (should Be) I have left me seven thousand men that have not bowed their knees to Baal

    Genesis 37:35

    ( King James Version) I will go down into the "grave"

    (should Be) I will go down to my son into "hell" mourning

    Genesis 42:38

    (King James Version) For "hell" they also say "grave"

    (should Be) You will bring down my grey hair with sorrow unto "hell"

    3 King 2:6,9

    (King James Version) "To the grave

    (should Be) Unto "hell"

    Hosea 6:14

    ( King James Version) O death, I will be thy "plagues;" O "grave", I will be thy destruction

    (should Be) O death, I will be thy death; I will be thy sting, O "hell"

    2 Timothy 4:8

    (King James Version) For "justice" they translate to righteousness and for a "just Judge" they say a righteous judge

    (should Be) Concerning the rest, there is laid up for me a crown of "just ice," which our Lord will render to me in that day, a just Judge

    1 Timothy 5: 17

    (King James Version) "Elders" also in this Bible

    (should Be) The "priests" that rule will, let them be esteemed worthy of double honor

    1 Timothy 5:19

    (King James Version) Instead of "priest" they put "elder"

    (should Be) Against a "priest" receive not accusation

    Psalm 6:5

    (King James Version) In the grave, who shall give thee thanks?

    (should Be) But in "hell", who shall confess to thee?

    The Deutero Canonical books were part of every Christian Bible Canon up until the 16th century. Even if the 54 scholars translated the original 1611 King James version of the Bible included these books in their cannon. It was not until 11 years later during the 1623 re-vision of this Bible that these books were removed. "The Apocrypha consists of the books that are found in the Greek version of the Jewish Bible—the Septuagint, the earliest complete version of the Bible was possess—but that were not included in the final, Canonical version of the 90 A.D. Hebrew Bible. For this reason, they were called "Apocrypha," the hidden or secret book, and while they formed part of the original King James Version of 1611." (The Apocrypha, by Edgar J. Goodspeed, copyrights: 1989,1959,1938).

    Three observations about the King James version of the Bible, either:

    1) The original 54 scholars who translate the King James Version were highly and incompetent and clearly prove their ignorance of scripture by adding seven books to the Bible which do not belong.


    2) The revisionists the reformed the King James Version in 1623 were highly and incompetent a clearly prove their ignorance of scriptures by removing seven sacred books of the Bible.


    3) Neither the original 54 scholars or the revisionists had any idea of what they were during and never should have attempted to play with Holy Scripture.

    Whichever observation you wish to believe it forces us to doubt the authenticity and accuracy of this English translation. it also forces us to classify the King James Version of the Bible has nothing more than a Miss-Translated.

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