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Wayne L
1JN 5:7 Why do people still use it ?
Is anyone else getting tired of seeing 1JN 5:7 repeatedly used to support the Trinity? It was found to be false and stopped appearing in translations about 1867 and appears in no good modern Bible.
It is the only verse that, by itself, states the Trinity, and it's gone.
Do people know it's false, and use it anyways, hoping no one else knows?
10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoGenesis 1:26 - Let "us" make man in "our" image.?
The Catholic Church teaches that this verse means either a conversation between God and angels, or that the plural Elohim here denotes the "majesty and fulness of God's being", hence the plurals "us" and "our".
Jehovah's Witnesses teach the same, that the plural expresses the "majesty of God".
My Q - Why do so many people use this verse to support the Trinity, when a little research and a Bible will show the true meaning? Do they fabricate intentionally to support a false doctrine?
Source - the Catholic "New Jerusalem Bible" 1985
21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoBittorrent files won't play. Need to decompress. How?
I have Bittorent files that won't play in MP11 or RealPlayer.
Some are in RAR format, but all need decompressing.
What free software will help? Thanks
1 AnswerSoftware1 decade agoWhy are bittorrents so slow?
After trying out 3 clients - Azureuth; BitTorrent & UTorrent with different DL sites I have to ask - why are they so incredibly slow?
FrostWire takes 2-3 minutes to DL a song; bittorents take 1/2 an hour, and hours to DL a CD.
I love the greater selection, but is there one that's as fast as FrostWire? Thanks.
Other - Computers1 decade agoHow does one become a born-again Catholic.?
How does one become a born-again Catholic?
25 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoSaltwater/Freshwater fish question.?
Can saltwater fish live in freshwater and vice versa? And are there degrees of salinity that would kill satwater fish not adapted to that exact salinity?
In other words, are there fish, or other life forms, that live only in certain parts of seas and oceans and would die if there were a change in salinity?
11 AnswersFish1 decade agoThe Catholic "New Jerusalem Bible". Is it a good choice?
I noticed that it put Yahweh back in the nearly 7000 places in the OT, and made numerous other changes compared to their older Bibles.
Any opinions on this 1985 Bible? Should I get one?
I'm not Catholic.
16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoYahweh in the Catholic "Jerusalem Bible".?
Why has the Catholic Church reinstated the divine name (Yahweh) in all of the nearly 7000 places in the Old Testament of their Jerusalem Bible (1966), and then again in the New Jerusalem Bible (1985)?
Is this a new statement from the Catholic Church on the importance of God's name and it being known and used by Catholics?
The two Catholic Jerusalem Bibles are beginning to look remarkedly like the Jehovah's Witnesses' "New World Translation", with it's numerous other changes in that direction.
Has anyone else noticed the many similarities between these three Bibles?
8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoFree gadget for moving pointer out of the way?
Can anyone recommend a good, free download that automatically moves the pointer out of the way when you type?
2 AnswersSoftware1 decade agoBook Of Mormon - 1JN 5:7 & 3Nephi 11:27 question?
The King James verse - 1JN 5:7 has long since been found to be false and has been removed from all modern Bibles, starting in the mid-1800s. "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one." These are not in any ancient manuscripts of any importance; therefore removed from Bibles.
In the Book Of Mormon we have this at 3Nephi 11:27 - " - The Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost are one;-".
Numerous other Mormon verses say the same thing with wording very close to 1JN 5:7. Examples are 3Nephi 11:36; Alma 11:44; 2Nephi 11:27. These and many other verses say that the three are one.
No other verse anywhere in the Bible says that the three are one, except for the now-rejected 1JN 5:7. There is no other single verse anywhere in the Bible that states this Trinity formula.
My question - Why is this paraphrase of 1JN 5:7 (this Trinity formula) in so many places in the Book Of Mormon? It is nowhere in the Bible.
7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoBook Of Mormon & the Tetragrammaton?
It is well known that the King James, and the early Catholic Bible of the same time replaced the Tetragrammaton (God's name - YHWH or JHVH) in the nearly 7000 places it occurs - except four places in KJ - with LORD or GOD.
This continued until the early 20th century when Bibles started to correct this gross error, the first being the American Standard Version - 1901, which used Jehovah in all 7000 places and continuing to now with the Catholic New Jerusalem - 1985, using Yahweh in all 7000 places.
My question - Why does the Book Of Mormon follow the KJ mistake of using "Lord" instead of Jehovah or another English variation? Wouldn't Joseph Smith have been inspired to use God's name in the Book Of Mormon? Who can explain this?
11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoJesus' "brothers and sisters" and Mary?
At Mat. 13:55 and Mr. 6:3 the NT clearly mentions Jesus' brothers - James; Joseph; Simon; and Jude plus two unnamed sisters.
The Catholic Church says, in a footnote at Mat. 12:46, in the New Jerusalem Bible (1985) that these are "Not necessarily Mary's children but possibly near relations, cousins perhaps, ..." (page 1631).
So, we have "Not necessarily" and "possibly" to describe these brothers and sisters of Jesus coming from the Catholic Church. Do I detect "wavering" on one of their most cherished doctrines - the Perpetual Virginity Of Mary"?
What do you think? Did Mary have at least five boys and at least two daughters?
Or are they merely cousins or relatives?
10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoBook of Mormon - Why King James English?
Why was the Book of Mormon inspired to be translated into KJ English? KJ English was long obsolete, by centuries, in 1830 and was not the proper English, anyways, for an English bible.
Almost certainly, the only bibles Joseph Smith would have seen in 1830 were the KJ and the contemporaneous Catholic bible of the early 1600s, both written in the old KJ English. Would that have a bearing on it?
Does anyone have a reasonable explanation of this? Why would it not have been inspired to be written in 1830's English, which was modern English as we know it today?
12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoFirefox doesn't remember Yahoo password!?
How do I manually enter passwords to be remembered in Firefox? When I visit Yahoo, I don't get the popup to remember password.
It does work for other sites, though.
4 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago