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Book of Mormon - Why King James English?
Why was the Book of Mormon inspired to be translated into KJ English? KJ English was long obsolete, by centuries, in 1830 and was not the proper English, anyways, for an English bible.
Almost certainly, the only bibles Joseph Smith would have seen in 1830 were the KJ and the contemporaneous Catholic bible of the early 1600s, both written in the old KJ English. Would that have a bearing on it?
Does anyone have a reasonable explanation of this? Why would it not have been inspired to be written in 1830's English, which was modern English as we know it today?
12 Answers
- cadisneygirlLv 71 decade ago
We believe that even though there was an apostacy of the church that there was still inspired people and inspired occurances that happened which was preparing the world for the restoration of the church.
The Bible being brought together was one. The translation into english was another. Many consider the reformation another. Definetly the foundation of the US, where freedom of religion and the economic system would allow the church to eventually grow and flourish.
It was already in english. It didnt need another translation. It did need a few clarifications and corrections, which is what Joseph Smith did.
lol I kind of misread that
The book of mormon was translated by Joseph Smith using some unusual tools, but for the most part translated in terms of language, word for word, grammar is a diff story, lol.
It wasnt an easy translation process.
It is also written by prophets that share a heritage with biblical prophets so they would have similar traditions in terms of writing
you people that like to bash mormons for the book of mormon
why in the world do you think the bible is so perfect and the book of mormon is so wrong
because someone told you so???? Your church or particular sect was started by some guy too you know.
If you dont believe in prophets or continual revelation where did any of your church leaders get the authority or the right to start their own church? Some of you are just hyppocrites.
- 1 decade ago
It makes things sound fancy I guess. But the KJV isn't the best translation ever. It didn't have the resources to cross check information that is available to modern translation. But I digress. I mean, which one sounds sounds more biblical and has more authority, "Thou shalt not kill." Or "You should not kill."? Oh, and one thing, people in modern day have gotten thou all wrong. Thou was a rather informal way to refer to someone, and you was used for formal occasions. People in the Bible referred to God with Thou to show that they had a personal relationship with God. Also, the English of 1830 isn't exactly the same English we speak today. If someone from back then were to speak to you, you would probably notice that it's a bit archaic.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
I would guess it is for the same reason you see people mimicking KJV in their tracts today. They want their stuff to sound *Biblical* and you can also consider that America was mostly anti-catholic at that time.
The English colonies got most of their religion from Church of England Puritans and other Calvinists. KJV was "The Bible" of their time.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Because it was a work of fantasy fiction written by a man called Joseph Smith. One of his only literary models was the KJV. He claims to have translated it from golden tablets or something - sure must have been a lot of gold.
The whole thing is an imposture and it is a marvel that anyone believed it, even then. However over the following 30 years or so North America invented most of its other crackpot religions so there must have been a lot of deep, deep ignorance about.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Great question!
I attempted to read it and the language made me think of the X-Files episode where the guy wrote a book about his abduction by aliens and they spoke with “thee” and “thou” which made Skully and Molner decide the guy was a nut.
It would be just as funny except there are millions of people wearing magic underwear and baptizing dead people of other faiths that follow this book written by a man that was lynched in Missouri for financial fraud.
I try my best to not judge but the nature of the faith and the shear randomness of much of their beliefs should make rational people avoid it like a mental health hazard.
- 1 decade ago
Why not? The dead sea scrolls were translated into King James English, so you would probably be wise to ask one of those scholars why King James English is a good choice for translating.
- 1 decade ago
The translation... you loose a lot of the meaning once its translated into modern english... I love reading as it is..
Source(s): Me :o) - Anonymous1 decade ago
Book of Mormon is a sequel to Bible, or rather a Bible-based fan-fic. So of course it had to use same kind of language.
- stewart tLv 51 decade ago
Christianity is a blood cult. Its god needs blood to wash sins.
Does it matter what bible?