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Genesis 1:26 - Let "us" make man in "our" image.?

The Catholic Church teaches that this verse means either a conversation between God and angels, or that the plural Elohim here denotes the "majesty and fulness of God's being", hence the plurals "us" and "our".

Jehovah's Witnesses teach the same, that the plural expresses the "majesty of God".

My Q - Why do so many people use this verse to support the Trinity, when a little research and a Bible will show the true meaning? Do they fabricate intentionally to support a false doctrine?

Source - the Catholic "New Jerusalem Bible" 1985


ADDED - It's amazing the number of people on Yahoo who know more than the great Protestant and Catholic scholars!

Update 2:

JACKARONI - I have studied Catholicism for 35 years, along with most religions.

Update 3:

ANDREW A - 1John 5:7 was discovered to be a false verse and omitted from Bibles starting well over 100 years ago. It's not in any modern Bible. You might want to get a good Bible.

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Should You Believe in the Trinity? Is It Clearly a Bible Teaching? Answers below!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Catholic Church does not TEACH that. The Jerusalem Bible was the work of the Dominicans. You yourself give two meanings, which means there is no teaching (which would be one meaning, by definition !!). With very few exceptions the interpretation of a Biblical verse is not a part of Faith. How could it be ?

    But then you come in -- Pope You -- and say the 'true meaning' is such and such.

    There is no fabrication just the liberty in opinion that St Augustine talked about :

    "in essentials, unity; in doubtful matters, liberty; in all things, charity"

    I'll bet if I showed the divergence among Vernon McGee, Billy Graham, and John MacArthur you would have a charitable explanation.

    Shame on you for bringing the Catholic Church into disrepute like that when a little bit of effort on your part would have given you the answer.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Is not the "fullness and majesty of God" the trinity? How can the Holy Spirit be a separate being, and the Son be a separate being, and the father??, -yet all three equally God?

    The catholic "New Jerusalem Bible" 1985 is not the standard by which we measure. The text stands for itself- but the marginal or foot notes belong to the editors and not God. Be careful with notes and sources-they are NOT necessarily correct.

  • 5 years ago

    There are many concepts in Judaism for the use of the plural here. According to Rashi, God is speaking, but not to anyone in particular. Saadia said that it was used to distinguish God above other beings. Nachmanides thought it was God addressing the Earth as a partner in the creation (man is made from earth & endowed with a spirit). Personally, I think the Genesis story is adopted from an earlier tradition which had multiple gods and this tradition infiltrated the Biblical text, probably accidentally. I suppose we'll never know and at the least it shows that we cannot fully understand scripture or the nature of God.

  • 1 decade ago

    Book Of Genesis

    Chapter 1

    26 And he said: Let us make man to our image and likeness: and let him have dominion over the fishes of the sea, and the fowls of the air, and the beasts, and the whole earth, and every creeping creature that moveth upon the earth.

    This image of God in man, is not in the body, but in the soul; which is a spiritual substance, endued with understanding and free will. God speaketh here in the plural number, to insinuate the plurality of persons in the Deity.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Read Genesis 18 , the trinity visited Abraham also 1John 5:7

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You should research Catholic teaching before writing things like this.

    JW's interpretation is incorrect. (although it is a nice thought)

    Your Q's:

    1) Where in the bible does it contradict that this is evidence of the Trinitarian nature of God?

    2) No


  • 1 decade ago

    As a student of Biblical Hebrew I can tell you without a doubt that the word Elohim is plural and basically means "Many gods" or "Divine Ones". i have seen where the most educated scholars refer to the name Elohim to mean "Strong Ones".

  • 1 decade ago

    "Majesty and fullness of God's being" is religious gobbledygook. Obviously, the Elohists believed in the plurality of God's Persons. In Creation, God was active, the Spirit was active, and the Word was active.

  • 1 decade ago

    God is Holy and sinless making man in the image of God is for them to follow Gods son Jesus and through him our sins are washed away by Jesus blood and to follow Jesus to the cross and do the will of God in our life until the end makes us Holy and we become one with God through Jesus and we are a reflection of God,Gods image. The Father the Son and the Holy Spirit.

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