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How does one become a born-again Catholic.?

How does one become a born-again Catholic?

26 Answers

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    You don't have to be Catholic to be born again. In fact, I tried finding somewhere in Catholic literature that shows how to become born again and everything I find talks about how to become a Catholic, which doesn't get you to heaven. Catholics emphasize faith along with works, ie you must do works to get to heaven. The bible doesn't say this, in fact it says the oposite. It is with faith in Jesus Christ alone that you are born-again. Any works you do after being born again, is because you have a new heart and a new outlook on life which makes you want to do good things - but not because you have to or because someone makes you. That being is the biblical way it says to be born again, taken directly from the bible.

    To be born again you must first acknowledge that you are a sinner and in need of a savior.

    Romans 3:23, "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God."

    Romans 6:23, teaches us about the consequences of sin -"For the wages of sin is death; (then the verse goes on to tell you what God did for us) "but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

    Romans 5:8 declares, "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

    The fourth stop on the Romans road to salvation is Romans 10:9, "that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."

    This is called the Romans road to salvation because it shows you how to be saved using verses in Romans in the Bible.

    so, you first acknowledge you are a sinner and ask God to forgive you. You must believe he died on the cross for your sins, thats how he took away our sins, by dying on the cross and rising again after 3 days. If you believe that, then ask Him to come into your heart and save you and be Lord of your life and change you. If you really mean it with all your heart, He will come in and change you. Then try to find a good bible believing church so that you can learn and grow in Him. Pray to Him and read your bible - praying is how we speak to God, and reading the Bible is how He speaks to us. Start with 1 John - its a short chapter. I was told to read it over and over again until I knew it well. It is written by John the apostle to new christians to help them have assurance of their salvation. You may not understand it all right away, but keep reading - eventually things will make sense to you.

    Source(s): Bible
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    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Born Again Catholic

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    How does one become a born-again Catholic.?

    How does one become a born-again Catholic?

    Source(s): born catholic:
  • 1 decade ago

    The term Born Again comes directly from the Bible. It's meaning is to be born of Christ. If you are born into a Catholic family you will be baptised soon after birth and at that point at baptism you are "born again" if not then whenever you come to be a Christian (Catholic) then you will need to be Baptised and will be born again OR at the moment that you accept Jesus as your personal Savior, believing that He is the Son of God the Father and was crucified, died and was buried for the forgiveness of your (and all believers) sins. You accept Him and when you do that you try your best to live by His teachings and will be Born Again into Gods Family.

    edit: TIQUA YOU COULDN'T BE MORE WRONG! Please learn about the Catholic Faith before you say things that are not true. Moving from Ct to SC I have heard so many people think awful things about the Catholics and they are all wrong. I suggest getting Catholic for Dummies its a great read for anyone who has no clue but is going by heresay. I even had one guy tell me that Catholics don't believe in Jesus! LOL. How many Christians that are not Catholic know that all Christian denominations roots came from the one church that was in place from the beginning? That was the CATHOLIC Church.

    Source(s): I was raised Roman Catholic went Prostestant for a while (4 years)and am once again Roman Catholic when I learned more about the Catholic Church being the Original Church from the Apostle Peter who Jesus Himself said to start His Church. I blame not the whole enitity of the Catholic faith for things that were done wrong as I do not blame all of the US for things wrong that some leaders have done, the same can be said of Protestants (the robberies Jim and Tammy Fae or adultery) or concerning races etc also. A few bad apples (regardless of their position) are not a represenative of the whole. As a whole the Catholic faith is the true representation of what Christ taught between what was written and tradition as Jesus Himself stated. Its a shame so few people know the History of the Bible and of their own Faith. Or even behind the out of date translation of the KJV and how the KJV is neither a Catholic NOR a Protestant (Lutheran) Bible rather the Church of Englands Bible. (which has QUITE a history of its own at the time!) lol. Its important to know the roots and where the books you read came from (and those that Canon refused and WHY) but its just as important to not get so caught up in the details that it prevents you from being able to LIVE the message.
  • 4 years ago

    Are Catholics Born Again

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The real question is how does someone become born again? Regardless of where you are and at what church doesn't matter at that point. To be born again, someone has to preach the true gospel to you, and you are not going to find that at Catholic church. But God will send someone from somewhere to do that. When that happens you must confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord and was raised from the dead and invite Christ into your heart to be your Lord and Savior. That's all there is to it. Nothing else is required. No baptism or catholic classes of any kind. You will find it impossible to stay at Catholic church because the Holy Spirit in you can not agree with any false teaching that does not line up with God's word. It's about relationship not religion. God will direct you as to where you should go. But until then, you should study the bible yourself and let the Holy Spirit teach you. When someone is born again they are no longer attached to a particular denomination. In fact God separates us from that and makes us part of His Kingdom.

  • 1 decade ago

    I was a Catholic and became born-again few years back. This happened when I was preached the word of God at a bible study.

    I was a pious catholic going to church every sunday. but never had a real relationship with Jesus. and dint know about the salvation He came to give us. Thought i had to wait till i die to find out if i'm saved or not. the cross was a mystery to me. Dint know that if I believe in my heart and confess with my mouth that He is Lord and He is the son of God who came to save me by dieing on the cross and paying for my sins I become saved.

    After i became born again i.e. accepted Jesus into my heart however I started walking with Him talking with Him. Now I wanna know Him more.

    I continued going to the catholic church for sometime but I dint get the spiritual food i needed. so I moved to a full gospel church. Though I personally dont agree with how certain things are done and taught in the catholic church it does not mean that you should stop going to a catholic church. its between God and you. dont let people judge you according to where you decide to go to church.

  • 1 decade ago

    Find a local Catholic Charismatic Bible Study/ Prayer Community. It's a great experience!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well to be born-again, you don't necessarily need to be catholic . To be born again you have to accept Christ as your savior. it really isn't that hard, but at the same time isn't that easy. You can't just say you accept him, you HAVE to accept him. Go to a Bible study, or church and talk to a pastor, and learn more about the word, you have to get yourself on the right path. Good luck!

    : )

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Define "born-again."

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