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Book Of Mormon - 1JN 5:7 & 3Nephi 11:27 question?

The King James verse - 1JN 5:7 has long since been found to be false and has been removed from all modern Bibles, starting in the mid-1800s. "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one." These are not in any ancient manuscripts of any importance; therefore removed from Bibles.

In the Book Of Mormon we have this at 3Nephi 11:27 - " - The Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost are one;-".

Numerous other Mormon verses say the same thing with wording very close to 1JN 5:7. Examples are 3Nephi 11:36; Alma 11:44; 2Nephi 11:27. These and many other verses say that the three are one.

No other verse anywhere in the Bible says that the three are one, except for the now-rejected 1JN 5:7. There is no other single verse anywhere in the Bible that states this Trinity formula.

My question - Why is this paraphrase of 1JN 5:7 (this Trinity formula) in so many places in the Book Of Mormon? It is nowhere in the Bible.


ADDED - It is not me who gives the thumbs down, so feel free to comment.

Update 2:

ADDED - Yes, I know the Mormons don't believe in the same kind of Trinity, but my Q was why a false KJ verse is so prominent in Mormon. What's it doing there?

Update 3:

CARL F - Thanks, but my Q wasn't about the Trinity, which has no other statement in the Bible except for the now gone 1JN 5:7. All the other verses you cite do not point to a Trinity without much twisting and distorting, and I know all of them. Thanks again.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Because the book of mormon is a plagiarism of the king james bible and View of the Hebrews.

  • 1 decade ago

    A close look at 1 John 1 and subsequent verses detail the 'trinity'. Agreed that the wording is not so specific as the actual statement of 'three in one'. But the conclusion of fact of the verses leading to the 'now removed' verse at 1 Jn 1:7 is pretty obvious. In essence, the removed verse is/was nothing more than restatement of the only conclusion that could be derived for the preceding text.

    As mentioned by others, the Book of Mormon was intentionally stylized to appear as a continuation of, or adjunct to the KJV Bible.

    I believe that any alteration to the Scripture is not of God, and should be corrected if found to be so... The entire text of LDS, Book of Mormon, Pearl of Great Price, and Doctrines and Covenants are clearly not of God. God in His Word declares that HIS WORD is finished, and there is no other revelation to be included or added to it.

    Mormon doctrine is just another false faith that Jesus said would come in His guise to lead and stupefy those not truly desiring the Truth.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, its not a paraphrase. And guess what, that verse in John IS still in the Bible. find the idea that you list it as the Trinity Formula interesting since Mormons do not even believe in the trinity, but that when it refers to them as being one that they are united in purpose yet still remaining separate.

    Well, there is no 2 Nephi 11:27, but all those verses are about the godhead. We believe the godhead is one in purpose not in body. It makes more sense than being three different forms and everywhere at once, but no where at all and everything.

    Source(s): Mormon for 25 years
  • 5 years ago

    Old testament New Testament Another Testament The Book of Mormon settles every question Christianity is divided on - for example: The role of baptism. Who does it. How. What is to be said. Who is to be baptized. When are they supposed to be baptized. The relationship of Jesus to God and the Holy Ghost in the Godhead The relationship between faith, works, mercy, grace, justice, repentance Covenants regarding the house of israel in the last days How the sacrament/eucharist/communion is to be administered - how, by who, when, what is to be said - things that have been lost for centuries with the death of the apostles - and that are hinted in the bible, but aren't answered therein. Its translation of the book of Isaiah differs from the bible, but is the same as the Dead Sea Scrolls translations of the same. It makes known the covenants of God regarding Christianity on the American Continent, or the covenants regarding the land its self, as well as contains prophesies regarding the American Revolution, the discovery of the Americas, the Savior's birth, and the building up of the Lord's Kingdom in the last days, and various warnings regarding the corruptions of governments before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ - it is an amazing book! This and many more things are what are in the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ. This is why the book is so valuable to Christianity.

  • 1 decade ago

    In Mormon doctrine, God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost are one in almost every conceivable way, except one in physical substance. Mormons believe in a Trinity comprised of three individual divine beings. Mormons believe in the Trinity but have a slightly different view than other Christians. Mormons tend to read the New Testament more literally than other Christians when considering this question.

    We believe in the divinity of the Father, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Ghost. We believe they are physically separate beings, but that they function in perfect harmony of will and purpose as one monotheistic unit, called the "Godhead," or, as Mormons often shorten it, just "God." In this sense, it is very accurate in Mormon theology to say that they are "One."

    The difference between Mormons and other Christians is that other Christians technically believe that the three members of the Trinity are somehow simultaneously "one and three," but when they talk about the Trinity casually they typically speak of its three members as if they were separate beings. In casual speech Mormons speak the same way about the Trinity, except they actually do believe they are three separate beings (but one in purpose).

    To quote Jeffery R. Holland, one of the world-wide leaders of the Mormon Church: "We believe these three divine persons constituting a single Godhead are united in purpose, in manner, in testimony, in mission. We believe Them to be filled with the same godly sense of mercy and love, justice and grace, patience, forgiveness, and redemption. I think it is accurate to say we believe They are one in every significant and eternal aspect imaginable except believing Them to be three persons combined in one substance, a Trinitarian notion never set forth in the scriptures because it is not true."

  • Carl F
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Well i usually read from the new american standard and as it states "For there are three that testify: the Spirit and the water and the blood and the three are in a agreement." Now its hard for me to interpret the meaning of these verses for Im reading theologians but for myself to say what it means exactly would be depricating to take Gods word and distort it but I do Believe it attests in some way to the trinity. But its still hard to know what was and is now written in the Bible. Alot of people say that the Bible isnt the same as it use to be for man has distorted it from its original context but I dont believe so at all. I dont believe God would leave His children alone in the world without His word staying true from all its contexts down to every last word. But also before in verse 6 it says that Jesus came by blood and water. Also reformed christianity has purelly expressed Christ as the mediator between God and man as being fully God and Fully man at the same time. "For there is God and man and there is one mediator between God and man; the man Jesus Christ." But dont go with the mormons view. Thats just heretical from all sides of the views. Not being judgemental but anybody from the modern day that had a prophet come down to them and speak a new word well it speaks for itself. But to help some one understand the trinity this is the best way I can describe it. God is one with the spirit just as our spirit is one with us. "For who knows the hearts of men besides their spirit so also who knows the heart of God besides His Spirit." So with that out of the way if thats easily understandable we move on to John "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God." and going down to verse 14 "Then the Word became flesh" Jesus is the Word of God incarnate. As Jesus said in John 10:30 "I and the Father are one."

    But there is also something hard to decipher at the beginning of Genesis when God said "Let us go make man in OUR image." Is this speaking of God and His angels in Heaven or God as the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit because "In the beginning was the Word." So I fully and confidently believe in the Trinity. One God with three different persons or attributes. God is the Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit. But this is a mystery to which we dont fully understand only God and the Son and the Holy Spirit but we will one day know if we only stay true to His word and believe.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Have you read the BOM mixed w/ the bible i bet you it will say it somewhere! also BOM says dont remember what vers but it says "As man now is god once was, as god now is man may become" this is the exact reason for saying the LDS (Mormon Faith) is not Christian. and no sorry to burst any mormons faith but you are not going to play a role of God! Anywho im not sayin for sure that "Trinity formula" would be in there redone version of the bible but they do alter TONS of things in the whole bible.

    Source(s): ME! (i was mormon once. thank god not now) no offense to anyone.
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