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Are HD projection screen t.v.’s a good buy? Are any brands better than others?
Would it be better to get a larger screen projection t.v. (52 inch) or a smaller LCD flat screen t.v. (32 or 37 inch) when thinking of quality and overall durability?
3 Answers
- 1 decade agoFavourite answer
well if you don't mind replacing a light bulb every now and then i would say go with a projection screen either a front projector with a screen or a dlp (digital light processor) like a mitsubishi or samsung. you can get a 57 or 60 projection for about 200 more than a 37"
- pittgirlLv 41 decade ago
I have an HD TV and absolutely love it. I would recommend it to anyone. I really like the Sony Bravia Flat Screen HD TV.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Yes, they are amazing.
That is my projector, its HD and I have it projecting on a 92" screen. It blows other TVs away in size and quality.