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Rabb asked in Computers & InternetSoftware · 1 decade ago

DVD audio?

I have a few live dvd's that I really enjoy, but I want to listen to them in the car and at work. I have a dvd player and cd burner on my computer. How can I remove the audio from the dvd and burn it on a cd? Is there an easy way to convert it to cd? What software can I use and how do I do it. I am tech savy. freeware....

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Local stores, Computer shops...

    A CD disk called (Signature) it has alot of audio vedio att.

    I think you will find your software in that.

    (Ulead .09 will work for vedio formats to Audio convert.

    NOT sure about DVDs)

    Source(s): I have used it.
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