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Learning Irish Gaelic?
Does anyone know any sites or programs or actual tutors who can teach Irish gaelic? I'm in Maryland (Baltimore) and would prefer a human tutor but will resort to one online or via software programming if need be. Any suggestions? Thanks for any advice given!
I did google it but came up with thousands of hits of which I did check many, many, many and was greatly disappointed by all. I'm hoping to find someone who has had experience with either a website, program or person -- so that I have a referral to go on.
3 Answers
- wee falorie manLv 61 decade agoFavourite answer
I am living in Alburquerque, New Mexico so I know just what you mean :)
Here is an answer that I gave (a few weeks ago) to a similar post:
I took a great on-line class last year called "GaelTalk".
Here's the link:
It takes 8 weeks of hard work to finish the course but you will learn lots of Gaelic in a very short amount of time. The best part of the course is the Saturday sessions where you talk (live!) with a native speaker from the gaeltacht (an Irish speaking part of Ireland); these week-end sessions insure that your pronunciation will be pretty much perfect.
I live in a place where there are no Irish Gaelic speakers nor classes at all so I have had to learn everything on-line. I went to a gaeltacht last summer for a couple of weeks and thanks to "GaelTalk", I was able to hold basic conversations with everyone I met and (usually) catch the drift of what people were saying.
It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to get through eight weeks of GaelTalk but it is definitely worth it.
I hope this helps SU
- Anonymous1 decade ago
i dont know sorry. try googling it =]