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Drew asked in Family & RelationshipsFamily · 1 decade ago

How do I ge joint custody and visitation in Ohio at a very affordable price?

My x-girlfriend & I have a so together. We agreed that I can have him every other weekend & holiday. He is 2. She is starting to become more controlling. Almost everytime it is my weekend or holiday, she has plans and takes him and doesn't allow me to see him. I need to know how to file the paperwork myself to save attorney fees. Also, I need to know of any father's or parent rights groups, any mediation services, ANYTHING that can help me with my son. I am going crazy and trying to control my anger. Plllllllllllllease help me

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Sorry this is happening, but you DO need an attorney. Most metro areas (or counties if you don't live in a large city) have resources for people who can't afford them or just need basic legal advice. But you must do this, annoying as it is. You need to establish proof of intention, etc because your ex could easily make claims about you not visiting, etc. If you don't have proof that you tried, you're up a creek.

    I do think you need to aim for a better arrangement where you get more time with him. But there just isn't a shortcut here if you want to do it right. She's got the upper hand right now and you need legal advice on how to get that away from her.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    My infants father and that i proportion joint custody of our infants. like the lady suggested till now me, it shall we the two mothers and dads make options for the infants. we could agree on each little thing from medical doctors, faculties, daycare, etc. whether, I even have familiar custody of our infants. This purely ability that I look after the infants for many of the time. Your visitation arrangements can stay comparable to you have them now and nevertheless have joint custody. Custody and divorce cases are extremly no longer uncomplicated. I want you all the success.

  • 1 decade ago

    google your town's family court and go there first thing in the morning first see if they have a laywer of the day if they do they can direct you to were to start if not go to the courts clerk office and usually they can help good luck

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