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Obama states that McCain has the negative commercials. Yet Obama has spent 3x what McCain has on negative ads!?

The Democrats and Obama have spent 300% more on negative ads, have openly hateful ads, and when their ads backfire, blame someone else. Joe the Plumber? Obama supporters are now under investigation by the FBI for releasing private (illegally obtained) information about him in an attempt to discredit him.

Why? He made Obama look bad (as if that takes a lot of work.)

Now Obama claims that the Republican party and McCain have more negative ads - an outright lie. Can anyone give a rational explanation for this behavior?

I don't like either one of them. I think I'll write in Foghorn Leghorn.


YouTube is not news - it's a place any person can upload videos. You can't trust Youtube as a valid or accurate source!

Update 2:

Negative ads: do the research. Obama started the mudslinging, first in APRIL against Edwards and Clinton - his own party. His negative McCain ads predated McCain by months.

Plus Obamas negative ads started the personal attacks. McCain went negative on the political stand - "Obama is against this or that" Obama replied with personal insults. There is a big difference.

27 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    For Obama the truth is relative or maybe irrelevant. If he says it it has to be true right? He is a Harvard educated carpetbagger, he knows better than any of us laymen right.

    All hail King Obama...

  • 1 decade ago

    McCain has given up and should retire to a retirement village in Florida. I thought McCain would blow Obama out of the water due to the fact Obama has many vulnerabilities that can be easily drawn on. Instead McCain has rolled over like a dog getting its belly rubbed.

    My biggest fear right now is an Obama victory will lay the foundation for another 12 - 16 years of extreme ultra conservative misdirected and dangerous policies from the Republican Party. Any doubts that take a look at what the history that brought in the second worst president of all time, Ronald Reagan, and also looked what happened what caused the Republican wins in '94.

  • 1 decade ago

    Nice try, Bunkie. Of course, that's a bit of sophistry on your part since even if your figures were accurate, it wouldn't necessarily mean that Obama had put out MORE negative ads, which is obviously NOT the case to anyone who has been following this election campaign.

    It simply means that the FEWER negative ads that Obama did place (and they were MUCH FEWER) simply COST MORE. Nice try though. I think you've forgotten that Obama supporters tend to be less gullible than McCain supporters, so your little mathematical games aren't too tough for us to see through.

    And you really expect us to believe you're NOT a McPalin supporter? You know you ain't gonna be writing in no "Foghorn Leghorn" on Election Day. You're a McPalin pal all the way, obviously.

  • 1 decade ago

    HAVE you not heard a Robo call

    have you not heard ads about terrorist

    Have you not seen flyer's on terrorist

    Have you not seen ads saying Obama wants to teach sex to babies

    have you not seen ads about his in correct senate record

    Have you not seen all the truths spun and lines left out of entire context

    All pointing to Obama

    There are negative ads and here are true negative ads

    and Obama is using policy's and issues not scare tactics like the Mc Cain camp

    They are smart to not allow ANY thing go by without immediate response

    Why.....lessons learnt from the past and tables have turned and Obama has played the game well considering all that has been tossed at him

    Obama has spent more because he CAN...with his millions of small donors sending him money for past two years and some large donors and could not happen to a nicer guy


  • 1 decade ago

    Possibly demos have more $ to spend on ads to repsond to the mesh of negative ads by the McCain ensamble. When you are losing and your slogans have not caught the majority of the voters, you must throw everything possible at the opponent. It worked last time for Bush who swift boated Kerry. Then papa Bush used the Willy Horton ads to make people think Dukasis was soft on crime. So now, throw it all out, terrorist, socialist, liberal, community worker, deals with enemies, taxes will go up; hopefully uneducated voters will buy some of these false charges. Obama just throws out simply that McCain stuck with Bush 90% of the time. This has worked well for Obama.

    Source(s): Balanced listener
  • 1 decade ago

    McCain's adds for awhile were 100% negative ads when only 1/3 of Obama's adds were negative at this same time. Monetarily speaking Obama has spent more on ads because he has had a unprecedented amount of donations coming in unlike McCain. So essentially Obama has tons more money to spend on any ads all together.

  • Bubuh
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Obama spent lot more in general since he has much much more money. He was pointing at certain period during campaign which McCain camp ran mostly negative ads. I don't know why its such big deal. Campaign is full of stretch, distortion of facts in every which way by both camps. But polls did indicate McCain's negative ads did alienate some voters. So Obama isn't entirely off on the subject.

  • 1 decade ago

    Proportionally, Mccain has more negative ads.

    Although, because of Obama's large lead in donations, he has actually run more.

    Political statements from campaigns are always misleading, from both sides.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    it truly is the only component Obama (the agent of exchange) can win at. Obama is the main unfavourable and divisive presidential candidate in generations. To Obama's credit, he's in basic terms doing what his handlers tell him to do.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is so amazing to me that people zero in on issues that don't matter for squat.

    How about High Crimes and all that mess coming down from the top. I wonder about all these firms who have been loaded into the dog-pile of people getting money from the average tax payer.

    How about continual violations of the Bill of Rights and Constitution by those who were elected to uphold it, i wonder.

    Stuff is upside down

    Source(s): imho
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