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The virus known as "Virus Trigger" has inflicted my computer recently. This virus pretended to be an anti-virus software, but completely down my computer to the point that I cannot use it unless I am in Safe Mode (which I am in now). When I start up my computer normally, it works normally for about a minute or two and then freezes. I have already removed the virus with Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware, and I have scoured my hard drive to find any trace of the virus but cannot find anything. Why is my computer still not working?
8 Answers
- 1 decade agoFavourite answer
You've run Malwarebytes and removed the infection, now scan your PC with Superantispyware in case Malwarebytes missed anything, after that download Advanced System Care.
How to remove Fake Software, Spyware, Trojans and Viruses:
Download, install, update and scan your computer with both Malwarebytes and SuperantiSpyware, delete what ever they find, if this fails to completely remove the virus/spyware download then update Avast and run a boot scan (click schedule boot-time scan and restart your PC), all the software below is free and safe to use.
Avast Anti-Virus:
To protect your PC in the future you'll need to install anti-virus software and a firewall, id recommend using Avast and Comodo Pro firewall both are very effective and completely free, you should also switch to Firefox 3 if you are browsing with IE as its much safer and a lot easier to use. (links on my profile)
- 1 decade ago
It may have modified some of your system files that weren't restored when you got rid of it. You should perform a system repair.
To perform a System Repair follow the following steps:
1. Enter the Windows XP CD into your computer
2. Boot up from the CD.
3. At the Windows Setup menu, hit Enter to setup Windows
4. Press F8 to agree to the End User License Agreement
5. Ensure that your current installation of Windows XP is selected in the box, and then press R to repair Windows XP
Setup will now attempt to copy all necessary files into your disk, reboot the computer and commence the repair installation.
At the end of the process, you will have to re-apply the relevant service pack and latest patches to complete the repair.
Good Luck!
- Anonymous1 decade ago
It may still be some files from virus trigger left behind on your computer. That may be the reason for your issues. You may need to follow the steps and read the removal guide at This should help your issues.
Source(s): - 1 decade ago
Try SUPERAntiSpyware. It is Free for home use. Easily remove over 1 million pests and threat components.
Download, install and update.
Run, click Scan your computer, click Next.
The scan may take some time to finish,so please be patient. When the scan is complete, result of scanning will be open, click OK.
Click Next to start removing the found threats.
- Answer Me!!!Lv 41 decade ago
Best way to get rid of that terrible Malware easily is to download combofix.
Download it and run it, agree to the license, and let it scan. Should get rid of most of it. After that if you need anti-virus, use AVG 8.0, it's free and it doesn't expire, install and update it, and let it scan to get rid of the rest of it. and download the free edition of AVG 8.0.
- REDMANLv 61 decade ago
Disable system restore and run your scans.
Virus`s will hide in different restore points. When finished with your scans re enable system restore.
Source(s): R.... - Anonymous1 decade ago
It might be lurking in your system restore files. Turn it off and do another scan. Make sure you turn it back on when you're done.