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Internet Explorer problems?

The virus known as Virus Trigger (Zlob Trojan) recently came into my computer. As far as I know, I have completely wiped it out by use of 5 different spyware removers (each used multiple times). I have also searched for any trace of the virus manually, with no findings.

So far, everything works as normal on my computer except for Internet Explorer. Right now, I am in Safe Mode with networking...but when in normal mode, Internet Explorer opens and freezes, leaving a blank white window there saying that it is trying to connect to the home page.

Can anyone explain why this might be happenning and how I can fix it? Maybe also explain what share mode does that differs from normal mode enough that I can use the internet in one but not the other? Thank you! :]

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Some options:

    - Reset Internet Explorer settings (Tools > Internet Options > Programs (IE6-) or Advanced (IE7+)). Also disable any add-ons that you have (IE7+).

    - Do a System Restore if you're running Windows XP or Vista.

    - Switch to Firefox! It's faster, safer and more customizable. Read the full review at

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