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iPod Car Charger won't work?
A while ago I bought a car charger for my iPod online from a site that I think was called eforbuy. However, neither this charger nor the normal outlet charger that it came with worked. So, I wrote to customer support and they ended up sending me new ones. The new ones were not even the same brand or anything (I think the normal outlet one is made by Apple). The normal outlet one works fine, but the car one does not. I know the USB cord I'm using works fine, and I know power is getting to the charger because a little red light turns on. I also know that the iPod recognizes that the charger is there because it turns on when I stick the charger into the
iPod Classic 80 GB
1 Answer
- 1 decade agoFavourite answer
What kind of iPod do you have? Some of the newer generation iPods are not backwards compatible with older generation equipment. You can find plenty of chargers online for good prices though, this car charger should work with all iPods and iPhones.