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what would cause a tub to have low hot water pressure?
it was working fine until i changed the shower wall, now the hot water is low, its only the hot water to the tub hot water everywhere else is fine and the cold on the tub is fine i also noticed a small amount of water drippin from the valve once i turned it off and turn it back on so would that cause the low pressure too
3 Answers
- 1 decade agoFavourite answer
Are you sure you didn't damage the pipe from the hot water? I would pull the wall back out and check for a hole in the pipe, especially since you're seeing a leak when you turn off the faucet.
- 5 years ago
Do you have a cold water cistern in the loft and a hot water storage unit in the airing cupboard? It may be that you don't have a large 'head' pressure as there's little height difference (2 metres or so) between the bath and the cistern. Also, the bath taps will be 22mm inch as opposed to 15mm which means that there's a bigger gap for the water to run through. Remember, the smaller the gap, the higher the pressure and I'm guessing that the rest of your taps are connected by 15mm pipe. A pump is an option, although you've got to remember that the hot storage unit will run low much quicker, or your plumber/plumber's merchant can advise you about upgrading your system.
- dvdacmnLv 61 decade ago
your w/h is 10to 14 years old look at serial # your dip tube is eroding and going threw to manifold you have a pc of it in your manifold take it apart look inside with a flashlight its also causing the drip best thing to do change w/h gl