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Researching WWII lieutenant...?
I'm doing a project for school where we have to research a fallen hero from our hometown. I am currently missing my hero's date of birth, unit, medals/awards, and interment location. Any idea where I could find this? I am especially set on finding his unit. He was a second lieutenant in the Air Force, died in early 1944, and was killed in action over North Germany. Thank you.
Roland C. Boulter
Walpole, MA
I've googled and searched through the public library's records.
5 Answers
- John MansfieldLv 51 decade agoFavourite answer
Its best to search through old newspapers from early 1944. There should be an article about his death.
The source below says he was born in 1921 and died on April 8th, 1944. Start checking the papers starting with that date. It probably took up to a week for the news to be reported back home.
His service number was O-698649. That might help if you ask for his records from the National Archives.
It seems he either bailed out over Germany or was killed in the plane crash.
Look near the top of this page to see about his burial -
It says he was buried on April 9th, 1944 - the day after the crash at the Community Cemetery in Woelteringhausen, Germany. He may not be there as after the war the US Army created several cemeteries in Europe to bury the war dead or his remains may have been returned to the US.
Check this out too -
Check this out - it has everything you need - just enter his name in the search box -
He probably recieved the following medals -
Air Medal
Purple Heart
American Campaign Medal
European Campaign Medal
World War II Victory Medal
Good Luck!!
- nana4dakidsLv 71 decade ago
I would start with the local newspaper archives. You could use the name and look up any articles on him, you could also check the obits section.
I would also try to google the name.
It would also help if you included his name and the town he is from so others can help you in your quest. Some of us have different search engines that may get better results than others.
With the name and home town, I was able to find some information for you, I am supplying you with the link but will also put the information in my answer in case the link does not work.
Roland C. Boulter
ID: 0-698649
Entered Service from: Massachusetts
Rank: Second Lientenant
Service: U.S. Army Air Forces,
786th Bomber Squadron,
466th Bomber Squadron,
Died: Saturday, April 8, 1944
Burried at: Ardennes American Cemetery
lacation: Neupre (Neuville-en-Condroz), Belgium
Awards: Purple Heart.
If you need more, feel free to ask.
- Todd HLv 51 decade ago
The National Personnel Record Ctr. in St. Louis MO.. It's a formality of paperwork and submitted to them. You can call 1-800-827-1000 and speak to a Service Representative and I'm sure it will give you a heads up. You might have to contact next of kin as you might know that we are loosing 1000 WWll Veterans a day in the US, they are now all well in their eighty's.
- 1 decade ago
He was born in 1921, you are on your own for the date. The rest is at the link.
I grant breaks when I know the search is layered deep.
This link should do better. go down to the WWII database and then put his name in. It will pull up another page, click on the "go" icon next to his name