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Weight averages in 16th century Denmark?
I know this is kind of a random statistic, but for a school project I have to know around how much a Danish woman weighs.
She's upper class, so I'm assuming she's a little on the heavy side.
It doesn't even have to be Denmark, I guess...just a website with statistics of weight over the ages?
1 Answer
- ryko25Lv 51 decade agoFavourite answer
Well, I suppose the only difference with today to take into account would be that people were generally very much shorter than nowadays. In 1815, for instance only 1 man in 100 in Britain was over six foot tall (whereas now, to be that height or taller is not unusual). Thus, I would give your Danish woman a height of 5 foot or less and work out how much an average woman (today) of that height weighs.
Hope this helps!