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For Nontrinitarians: Is there a Mrs God, and if not does that make Jesus a bastard son?

Only the Nicene Creed believes in the Trinity so what do the Nontrinitarian believe is God's martial status?


Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, and Christadelphians amongst many others don't believe in the Trinity so they must have formed an opinion upon God's matrimony.

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    I'm a Nontrinitarian - Mormon to be exact. We believe that God the Father has a wife.

    I do not know what the JW's or Christadelphians believe.

  • 1 decade ago

    Jesus was married. (Had to be to become a Rabbi according to Judaic Law) and the only ceremony where a female anoints the feet of a man is during a wedding when only a bride can anoint the feet of a groom.

    So if Jesus was married, then obviously it is not out of order to say that God could well be married.

    And since Jesus is not known as a bastard then God must be married.

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