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Haydn Piano Trio transcription?
Here's the link to the music for a Haydn Piano Trio:
I'm wondering how this is to be played as a piano trio if there is only a piano part? Any help?
1 Answer
- NemesisLv 71 decade agoFavourite answer
You've really answered your own question already: this *is* the piano part *only* to Hob XV/21. You need the other two string parts for actual performance. Because period publications did not provide the keyboard player with a 'score' layout of all three parts as is common now, just their own part like the other two players would have is what would be realised in print for the pianist, each player playing 'blind' as to what the others are doing, just like any orchestral player has to do to this day.
This is no transcription, just the piano part 'as is'... :-)
Best regards,