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Peoplecallme S asked in SportsRugby · 1 decade ago

How can I improve my tackling?

How can I improve my tackling?

I'm new to the game this year, and I had a couple of injuries to my shoulder and ribs early on which held me back somewhat. I was diving in and making good hits before- now as I approach being fully fit again I have found if I hit a player running at me with my shoulder around hip-height, I make good contact, but fail to get the wrap with the arms, and often don't bring the man down. On bigger lads I've tried hitting as low as possible, but often end up with one leg, sometimes two, and very low, still not getting the desired effect....

So, depending on the size of the opponent, where should I be hitting with the shoulder? Hips, knees, or other? And any tips on getting the wrap right? Thanks


By the way, I'm not a small fellow and am pretty strong, I'm about 5'10"/182cm and weigh 198lbs/14kgs (carrying a little fat too, though, but a good bit of muscle), and I do use the gym and lift heavy weights, so am not a push over, or shouldn't be- technique tips, please.

Update 2:

I meant 90kg.... thanks Lawrence, you c*nt

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    You really need to watch a video. Key points 1. Go, dance, go. This means run to where the opponent is heading, stop, line him up and hit. Arms are facing forward, elbows tight against your side, forearms bent just above 90 degs. Thumbs and forefingers form "L" which are point at the target zone just under the rib cage. If you have you arms wide open, you are in a weak position and will normally come away with an injury. You tube it and watch some academy stuff. Make sure you drive up into the tackle. Kepp your head up and don't close your eyes!!!

    Source(s): I am a defensive hell hammer from the bad old days.
  • 1 decade ago

    Try not to 'dive in,' unless the victim has been given a bit of a hospital pass. If possible, try and plant yourself, get a good platform, feet about shoulder width apart. If planting your feet is not an option, as it rarely is in an intense game, try and take your running momentum to the man, as this can be just as effective. Always make sure your *** is lower than your head, "like an aeroplane taking off" so that when you make the hit you can drive upwards to generate power. After contact, or just before contact, drive with the power from your thighs, its all about the legs with a good strong tackle. Use your shoulders, do not lead with your arms, unless you fancy a nap on the grass. Try to hit the man with the shoulder closest to where hes coming from for maximum impact, and this should help you get the wrap right, try getting both hands as close together as possible behind his back. Generally speaking, the lower the hit the better, but tackles should be within the range of upper legs to below a man's chest.

    I do know how you feel, and some fear after an injury is natural, but with the right technique, you should be the man doing the hurting. The best tip I ever got is that your better to go hard at the man than hesitate, because hesitation leads to injuries.

    Source(s): Years playing and coaching rugby.
  • 1 decade ago

    I would say if you cant wrap your arms around the guy, get a tight grip on his jersey. What I usually did was hit him just above the hip, on the ball, and wrap my arms a little lower than where my shoulders hit. this way you get a nice tumbling effect and if you can't lock your arms around you get a good grip on his shorts.

    Hard to explain without being able to show you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    the best way to do it is take out the legs. if you do that, then he cant catch his fall. also, there is nothing like ramming your shoulder into his stomach. plus, you can take your arms and wrap around his torso and then swing him using your momentum to wrestle him down.

    Source(s): i play football, but those are basic tackles that we do without full contact.
  • 1 decade ago

    Hit lower! The lower on the body you hit, the less likely they are to overcome it...

  • 1 decade ago

    (Gulping) Don't hurt me...

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