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USB Driver problems...different ports?

Hi, I'm plugging a Korg MIDI keyboard into my Windows XP computer with a MIDI to USB cord. At first, it worked just fine. Then, when I plugged it into a different USB port, it stopped working. The computer still recognizes that something's there, it just doesn't recognize when I'm playing things on the keyboard. I think it may have something to do with the driver reinstalling to different ports, but I'm not sure how to fix it. Any help?

2 Answers

  • Jamfo
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    You put your finger right on the problem. When you moved the device to another USB port, it was "seen" as a different device and needs to re-install the drivers.

    Fortunately, you have two options to fix, and both are fairly painless:

    OPTION 1 -- Put the keyboard back on the original USB port that worked. Since the computer is already familiar with that hardware on that port, it should just work. No muss, no fuss...

    OPTION 2 -- Reinstall the drivers for the keyboard in the same way you installed the drivers initially the first time you plugged the keyboard in on the old port. This will refresh the drivers so that Windows will recognize the hardware on the new USB port.

    Since you installed this keyboard on your machine once already, you should be familiar with how to do the install. No matter which option you choose, you should be able to get your hardware back up and running without much difficulty.

    If you need further assistance, please feel free to update the question or e-mail me directly.

    Good luck!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Go to the internet website for the webcam and download from there. If you don't have internet access, go to another machine with a CD and copy it to a floppy - assuming the machine you want to install it on has a floppy drive. If it is too big for a floppy drive you can get a utility to split the driver into smaller floppy-sized pieces and use the same utility to put it back together on the machine you want to install it on. SO, if the machine has no CD, how did you get the software installed in the first place?

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