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Sarah asked in PetsHorses · 1 decade ago

why do quarter horse people downgrade arabian horses?

i have a quarter horse and i have an arabian, but when i go places people say mean things about my arabians why is that..why are people who have quarter horses like that toward that breed


to add on to my question arent paint in the quarter horse family, and also dont arent all arabians gaited

Update 2:

i ride western, i trail ride, barrels, but his attudide is just like any horse, i consider all horses the same lol

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    I haven't seen an issue with that myself where I am. BUT my problem is that the place I board shows Appaloosas. I have an unregistered paint used for trail riding. I have no lofty aspirations. I am out working with my horse 6 days a week, 3-5 hours a day because I love him. If they had that commitment, maybe they would actually go somewhere in life with their horse. But I get looked down on for having a trail horse, not a show horse. I was told by the barn owner that I am not important and will be the first to go if they get too full because they are in the business of showing, not boarding.

    UGH! You will run into ignorance wherever you go. It doesn't matter if you're into horses, Chevy's, cats, dogs.....

    Just make sure you keep your dignity when your buttons are pushed. And you can laugh when you beat others,,,

  • 1 decade ago

    I always have to laugh at myself because I don't consider myself an Arabian person but then again, when it comes down to it, I have nothing bad to say about them. And as a Quarter Horse owner, I don't put down Arabians. A horse is a horse is a horse. Yes breeds have different qualities, but when it comes down to it, it's a horse. And I'll have you know people used to always think that our Quarter Horse gelding was an Arabian! :) (I mean that in good fun). Arabians are stereotyped as being hot and well, crazy, kind of like Thoroughbreds. And hey, I want to know what kind of Quarter Horse people you talk to you. There's two of us, the ones who like a horse who can get us somewheres at a nice, brisk pace, or some that like their horses head dragging on the ground. To the latter, I can't really see them liking Arabians. Although I am generalizing with that. Probably like the people you met. I rode an Arabian mare who was beautiful, eager, amazing and old. But you wouldn't have known it. But I have also ridden a lot of other breeds, like a Quarter Horse, and Appaloosa and a Mustang who were all of the above, except for old.

    Now if you've made it this far in my answer that's all over the place, what I'm mostly getting at is, who cares what they say. You know your Arabian is amazing, and so do plenty of other people. That's what matter isn't it?

    Yes, paints I believe are pretty much crop out Quarter Horses. They are a coloured breed, they can be Quarter Horse or Thoroughbred. And no, as far as I know, Arabians are not gaited. I've never heard of a gaited Arabian. And ha, where I lived, I've only ever seen the Mules win Battle of the Breeds! They've got some pretty amazing mules on that team!

  • 1 decade ago

    I have an Arabian as well.

    Yes, lots of people dislike Arabians. A lot of people dislike Thoroughbreds too, and I own one as well. A lot of people don't like Quarter horse. I used to own one. Usually a breed has a following and sometimes those followers hate other breeds. But I agree, Arabians do get picked on a lot. A lot more then any other breed in my opinion. Arabians CAN jump, I wish people would just get that in their heads. Its not just people that have Quarter horses that don't like Arabians. But since Arabians are usually SO different from QH's, QH people generally don't like them. I love all breeds lol. I wouldn't really want to own a gaited horse, but just because they wouldn't be able to do what I do.

    EDIT- I agree with Shey that the Arabians would kick the QH's butts :) I'm pretty sure that Appaloosa's and Arabians are the two breeds that have won the most Battle of the breeds.

    EDIT #2- Oh lord. No, No Arabians are not gaited. Not at all. Gaited horses would be Tennessee Walkers, Rocky Mountain horses, etc. Arabians are not gaited. Yes, Paints are pretty much QH with spots and their own registry. And not all horses are the same, but people shouldn't judge by breed.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Well, first I am curious to what you are planing to be doing? because both breeds have great qualities for different disciplines. and what age of horse are you planning on getting. I have ridden both, and I train 2 year old quarter horses. Arabians can be quite feisty, but they are great for endurance riding, and they also do very well in dressage and jumping. Quarter horses are very versatile and they can excel in almost every discipline given the right training, but some quarter horses can be just as feisty as an Arabian. So if I were you, I would consider what type of riding you are planning to do and what horses are available that meet your criteria as well as correct conformation and personality (and try not to get distracted by color - in a new buyer a lot of sellers will use that as a weakness to sell you a horse that isn't what you really want).

  • 1 decade ago

    I have a Paint, and he's pretty much a QH. You ask any QH person and they will yell and disagree they QH are much better horses. It's mostly because Arabians are smaller than the big and hefty QH. A lot of people tell me that the Arabians are too 'delicate'. I'm not a big lover of Arabians myself, as they are smaller that I like and a bit too high-strung for my liking, but they are GREAT horses. As Quarter Horse people are stuck about their breed, you will find as you go along in life that every breed fanatic is like that. Be it Arabians, TB, or Shetlands :P. I know several QH people, and they believe that their breed is God's gift to man kind. My paint gelding is pretty much a QH with spots. But the Quarter Horse people insist that the two breeds are very different and their breed is better. Don't take anything personal. We are all just jerks about our horses, even though if put into a contest with a lot of Arabians, the Arabians would kick the QH horses butts. :]

    Source(s): Past QH owner, present Paint Horse owner.
  • 1 decade ago

    Im sorry but not all quarter horses are calm as can be and not all arabians are hot headed, go learn about the breeds before posting about them and saying quarter horse trainers cant handle them because thats BULL. It all depends on bloodlines, cutting horses tend to have hotter bloodlines and guess what 95% of cutting horses are quarter horses, paints or appaloosa's. Im not sure what you mean by quarter horse people but I think it depends on the sport. Quarter horses and paints tend to excel in things like reining because of their builds, not to say an arabian cant do good in reining but their builds arnt as good for it, so I personally wouldn't want to own an arabian since thats what I do. I believe arabians excel in endurance and jumping over the quarter horse though. Its all an opinion thing, alot of quarter horse riders do western sports and alot of western sports quarter horses excel in. My mom has a arabian and he is calm as can be, good with kids and she uses him for gymkhana's.

    And honestly its stupid that you guys are saying that arabians would kick quarter horses butts in a competition, it really depends on the competition so stop being ignorant. If you rode a bad quarter horse or any horse for that matter its a training issue. My horse is extremely well trained and same with any quarter horse I ride, I ride with split reins and their so loose my horse can touch the ground with his nose. I do this because im not worried and I know he wont do anything stupid because he's TRAINED! So if the quarter horse you rode bucked and reared all the time then obviously it needs training, and I dont care if you say he has had training by some awesome guy, well obviously that guy wasnt so awesome.

  • 1 decade ago

    Arabians in general tend to be fiery, which makes them good for endurance and high-energy sports, they're watchful and attentive, which can cause them to be spooky, and extremely intelligent, which often leads them to exhibit bad behaviors. Depending on what you want your horse for, these traits can be wonderful, or annoying.

    I have a paint who I'm deeply bonded with and adore. However, he scares the crap out of me sometimes because his stubbornness can lead him to crowhop or rear when he decides he's done. On the other hand, my husband's polish arabian is spooky, plus he doesn't care for me (or really anyone), yet I feel much safer on his back during a trail ride than my beloved paint.

    Down here, I often find the same response from people. When I talk about my Paint, I get "Ou's". When I talk about my TWH, I get "ah's" When I mention my arab, I get "Oh." Most people down here ride western (as do I) so Arabians aren't too popular to begin with. Back home up north, however, where many people ride English, I get the opposite reaction. My paint is the "oh." but I mention my arab and people want to know more.

  • Amber
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I'm not. I have rode pure quarter horses, pure arabians, and I have a quarter horse/arabian cross!

    In my personal opinion, I have NEVER rode a "good" quarter horse, but have never rode a "bad" arabian. The arabian I rode was the bombproof and vice free. The quarter horses tried to buck me off, rear, bolt, and bite me.

    So maybe they had the opposite experiences as me. Maybe they have never met a good arabian, and then again maybe they just base of what breed they like best.

  • 1 decade ago

    some people dont like hotter blooded horses because they arent experienced enough to handle them like they think they are...i love all horse breeds! it does matter any horse of any breed can be hard to handle its all about how they are worked with and trained from the beginning till now.

  • 1 decade ago

    cause quaterhorse trainers cant deal with a hot blooded arab when all there quaters are dead heads

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