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Virus in my Gmail account?
For the past month or 2, my emails have been sending (and placed into the Sent folder), but some recipients never actually get the emails. Today, I couldn't get onto my Gmail account because it had detected "suspicious activity" and Google had to text my password to my phone.
When I finally got logged on, about 100 messages came up saying messages were blocked (from and to me), and there were lots of emails sent to random email addresses (some of which I knew, some of which I didn't), with a single link as the content to some site called healthworld.
What's happening?
It's pretty much impossible that someone guessed my password. It's not in English and it's wicked random.
3 Answers
- PoohBearPenguinLv 71 decade agoFavourite answer
Sounds like someone guessed the password to your Gmail account and started using it to send spam for this site.
Change your password and make it something hard to guess. Use at least 1 capital letter and one number. A good method to generate passwords is take the name of a TV show or movie, and a character from that.
For instance, I like Han Solo from the 4th Star Wars movie, so maybe I'd create "sw4sOlo". Easy to remember, but looks like gibberish to everyone else.
ALWAYS click the Log Off button/link for Gmail (or any other site) before closing the browser, and NEVER have the browser or website "remember me" or store your password if you're using a public lab computer, like at school or at a internet cafe.
- ?Lv 45 years ago
you will possibly be able to desire to not administration or neither ask the google to provide up the direct mail. Google in the present day manages thew direct mail folder and you will possibly be able to desire to not provide up each and each man or woman from sending and receiving mails.yet you will possibly be able to desire to delete or upload a direct mail determination with the point to regulate the incoming mail on your guy or woman account.
- 1 decade ago
Spyware Doctor with AntiVirus, Awarding spyware protection to secure your PC against privacy, tracking and virus threat .
Happy try.