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Musical term for repeated note between melody notes? (as in Bach Partita in E Major)?

In Bach's Preludio from the Partita in E Major, there is a pattern that runs throughout the piece that involves playing the melody notes but with another note played between all the melody notes. What is this called? It definitely has a name because I remember I read something about it in a Wikipedia article, but I can't find it anymore and it's bothering me.

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    The way I learned it, a pitch is called a pedal point if it is repeated or sustained in the lowest voice,

    but is called a sustained pitch if it is sustained or repeated in any other voice.

    The B's in measures 3, 5, 9, and 11 cannot properly be called sustained pitches or any other non-harmonic tones because the B fits in both the E major and B dominant seventh chords.

    The E's starting in measure 13 can, however, be called a non-harmonic tone, since it does not fit into some of the chords which are implied by the other two strings.

    The act of gurgling by crossing back and forth on an open string is called "bariolage."

    Could that be the term which you are looking for?

  • 1 decade ago

    would it be a pedal point?

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