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Should I send official AP Score reports to the colleges I'm applying to?

None of my guidance counselors know the answer. Last May, I had absolutely no clue what schools I'd be applying to, so I (and the rest of my class) left the report part blank. I know you can send them for $15, but do I really need to? I got a 5 on my US History and my Statistics Exam, and I wrote that in the "Testing" section of the Common App, but is it like SATs where I have to send an "official" report? No one else in my school is because my guidance counselor says it's not necessary but I'm doubting that...

2 Answers

  • Rae
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Check out this link at College Board.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago are able to opt for to purely write down those you prefer to, yet additionally faculties won't be in a position to truly use this in the admissions technique w/o an respected record sent to them. So, i might write all reliable rankings different than those 2 above and don't even situation approximately it till you realize which college you are going to and then deliver the full record to that one college.

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