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CHANDLER and PRICE printing press power supply and electric motor conversion?

Is there ANYONE who has experience converting a C & P printing press designed for FOOT use and made between 1916 and 1936 to TOTAL elctric power?? Was once converted to DRIVE belt use. but NO proper motor has been found with this purchase. Was told a CAPSTAN DRIVE system would be best used, with a HIGH TORQUE drive gear is the best solution. AM looking for an actual WORKING model or someone with conversion experience to ge this collector's item running again!!! ANY advice would be appreciated. Perhpas YYOURTUBE videos of working presses would be called for here. A little bit of INGINUITY or PRACTICAL experience would be NICE!!!

2 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favourite answer

    Here is a video of a working electric belt driven printing press. It looks much easier of a conversion than with a capstan drive that will need more precision. I could see the speed being controlled with a VFD (Variable Frequency Drive) or series ac caps or a triac with the size of a motor that will produce the same torque a foot pedal would produce.

    Best wishes - Garth

  • baden
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    for most AC automobiles, you'll want to de-fee the utilized voltage value because that at a decrease utilized frequency the magnetic flux interior the gadget will develop that may develop currents interior the windings. some automobiles are designed for a 50/60Hz variety and paintings superb on both frequencies, yet examine with the motor nameplate or producer. So, for a gadget designed for 60Hz operating on a 50Hz gadget, set the utilized voltage to (50/60)*rated_voltage. OR, there are good-state induction motor drives accessible that may take unmarried section AC at 50Hz and convert that to a variable frequency voltage on the output (i imagine you may variety the voltage value besides). So only regulate the output to 60 Hz. it is a achievable answer, albeit a touch expensive and there'll be some power losses interior the stress.

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