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slow laptop high CPU/R.A.M USAGE.?

my laptop is a Dell Precision with:

Windows 7 professional, 64 bit

Intel i7 16 gig R.A.M.

additional 10gigs backup from memory.

What i use regulary:

Anti-Virus doesn't recognize anything- run daily whole computer scans

De-fragment- scan every month and use if over 3%

Registry cleaner- multiple times daily (after every time on internet)

notice over half the time. my laptop is using 90-100% of all 4 cores and over 80% R.A.M.

at the times i am only using 1 window/program. when closed program it remains like this for a long time.

looking through the computer there are no which stands out background programs running. no updates required and/or running.

laptop/software cost over $2,000. i cannot afford any down time. use it for everything included school and work. this is my first business laptop. a few of programs are slightly different.

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    There is something that is running in the backround that is using up all that cpu and ram power. First check task manager under proccessess. then scan with as many anti virus softwares you can find. (make sure you uninstall them after you scan once because this would slow down your computer a lot with all of those on there at one time) Thats basically all you can do. Google is your last resort

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Hey there,

    You can speed up your pc and get rid of viruses, worms and trojans by cleaning up your register. A good free program is CCleaner. Link here

    I love it!

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