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That compulsion to save the world?

Ok here we go. Do any of you fine people on here get completely overwhelmed by the state of our earth and it's people? Greed and selfishness has been allowed to run rampant to the point where we may not be able to ever fix the mess we have made.

Examples ; Over-fishing and trawling is destroying ecosystems that may not ever be able to recover and once they are gone it effects so many other things, deforestation is happening at an alarming rate and destroys endangered species and locals who use the forest for lively hood. Pollution, greenhouse gas emissions upsetting the natural flow of the earth. Killing of our own kind, starving children. We are intelligent beings capable of greatness and kindness yet it doesn't seem that way. I understand this has probably been said so many times before but i just had to say something (as ya do)

Does anyone else just get so upset and messed up because of all of this? I want to change it but at this point all i can seem to do is sit back with a feeling of hopelessness.

5 Answers

  • BriaR
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favourite answer

    You contribute personally every second of your life.

    To ask this question:

    How much energy was used to power your computer, the internet infrastructure just to get it online?

    How much Energy and raw materials were used to manufacture and transport your PC, the Network infrastructure, and the PCs of everyone who reads and/or answers it?

    The train has left the station - no turning back!!

    The only way to reduce human impact on the planet is to carry out a massive cull. We need to reduce the population by at least 50% - any volunteers? No! Didn't think so!

  • Troy
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Mankind has been this way forever. The mongrels 5000 years ago invaded villages and slaughtered all the inhabitants just to get the gold and jewelry. As far as mankind is concerned, its somewhat better now than in the distant paset

    As far as the environment is concerned, its greatest threat is overpopulation. That of course will be corrected when the next ice age occurs , which will begin about 1000-3000 year from now and last 75,000 years. Glaciers will cover canada and much of the US, europe and asia. The attendant 10-15 degree F lower temperature and reduced farmland, food supply, and living habitat will wipe out most of the human race. A few will survive and mankind can start over perhaps 90,000 years from now.

  • 9 years ago

    I feel the same way. How can people be so cruel? How can people choose money over the well-being of another person? How can they destroy our planet like this? I was talking to someone today and they said they didn't care for nature, they thought I was weird for enjoying it. Is that backwards or what!

    I know what you mean by feeling hopeless. We can't make someone change. We can't make the people who abuse the earth just stop. The way I see it, we can only change ourselves and perhaps influence others with our good examples. If we are hopeless, then so will be the earth. We have to do the best we can individually. For some reason, a chunk of the human race is not fully evolved enough to realize what is happening or what they are doing or they don't, in their point of view, think it matters. Some just do it for money. It's sick.

    But like I said, we can't change people, only influence them to change. Only they can change themselves. We have to start with ourselves. Show everyone there is a better way to be.

    I hope I helped you in some way. If not, I hope you find the answer :)

  • 9 years ago

    Keep your head! I have been watching all these things unfold over my lifetime & it is very interesting to watch as the world population increases & no one wants to put a curtail on that which is hard, but China did put limits & now regrets it. The things I find interesting is the need for greed & control of the masses as they say one thing & do the oposite. The need for greed at the top is complete insanity & the lies just keep rolling off their tounges. One perspective to note is when a volcano erupts or other natural disater takes its toll, makes what man polutes & destroies very miniscule in comparison. Do not get me wrong as we do need to keep our environment in check as best we can but for a better view on who is behind all the movements & their ojectives will keep you busy & something more people should research. Follow the money!

  • 9 years ago

    "ever be able to" you wrote:

    "ever"? fortunately, time, and the forces of good, are long, long things! As one historical figure we most all of us know and probably respect wrote, "Time is but the stream I go a-fishin in!"

    Among the Chinese--who have/are in one of our most ancient and hopefully, deep down wisest cultures, there is or at least "can be" a sort of sense of calm and trust about, well, "eventually" our (man's) good potential to win in the long run: Sort of, as to the efforts of man or some of them and as to PATIENCE and TRUST of it all working out,, to "fix" this world and make it what it can be: That (..because our belief that we eventually WILL get there we) will just always try, and never stop and so much so, that in the deepest sense, it's okay to see it all as a matter of the unstoppability of a belief and will power so firm and resolved, that We Don't Care How Long It Takes!

    Belief. Vigilance. Perseverance. Cheer!.

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