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mac nude lipstick with brown undertone?
i am looking for a mac nude lipstick (brown undertone) which goes well with lip pencil or cork lip-pencil...
creme de nude" & "myth" won't goes well with my brown outfits and they are more pinky... i have freckletone but its too peachy... plz suggest me a nice mac lipstick with a hint of brown...
3 Answers
- ?Lv 79 years agoFavourite answer
mac half n half is my go two its pikey but more brown undertones try that and mac velvet teddy is the brownest your going to get i have that one and i like that one two.
- ?Lv 44 years ago
omg all there nudes are sooo quite fantasy and honey pot(im getting honey pot) is quite uhhh maximum of cant think of if em flow on youtube and variety up some mac names of lipstick flow to MAC.COM to work out the colours of there lipsticks and then flow on youtube and see how they seem on human beings