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post partum depression and depression question?

can you be depressed and not even realize it? i feel like im happy with my life and the way it is right now. but my family, including my mom, dad, and brother have noticed changes in my attitude and behavior. ive always felt like a very happy person. i did smoke pot for a few years. i stopped for the most part when i was pregnant and havent done that since, its been over a year. im a single mother. my parents divorced a few years ago, when i was still smoking pot. smokin or not, i feel like nothing has changed. is it possible o be depressed and not even realize it? they say its a new thing, my different behavior. could i have been depressed all along? all my co workers think im an awesome person, and all my customers comment on how happy, upbeat and nice i am. can my mind be blocking everything out? i just dont get how my family can see it but i cant. i looooove my lil girl more than anything, and im not having any bad thoughts like hurting myself or anyone else. but i am always tired. my back and knees hurt. i feel like it doesnt matter how much sleep i get or how much coffee i drink, im still so tired all the time. but i am breastfeeding so i thought that was why. illadmit to not eating properly, by i have neither gained nor lost weight. help?

3 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favourite answer

    From my own personal experience - which is admittedly biased - I'd trust yourself. Being exhausted can cause a lot of changes that others can interpret as depression. you might ask them exactly what behavior they attribute to depression, so you can know what they are seeing.

    And I would suggest the following.

    1. Try and eat a bit better, because if you are breastfeeding that will take what is needed from the milk from your body and can wear you down.

    2. I would get some tests done. Vitamin levels, hypothyroidism, and Celiac DIsease. With the breastfeeding, there's a chance you could be low in certain vitamins and getting them through a supplement may be all that's needed to help you feel rested again. Hypothyroidism and Celiac DIsease are two auto-immune disorders that can cause constant exhaustion and pain in certain areas, among other things.

    Although auto-immune diseases are still being studied, a huge hormonal shift in the body - like pregnancy - is looking like it may be able to trigger one in the body if you have the genes for it (and 1/3 of the population does). All of the above just need blood tests to diagnose. And if a doctor tells you that you couldn't possibly have hypothyroidism or celiac disease and so shouldn't take the test, insist. Truly. These two diseases are not well understood, still being researched, and most regular doctors aren't aware that there is no standard look to a person who has them. They used to think there WAS a standard look to you - you'd have to be losing hair for hypothyroidism, or you had to be skinny for celiac disease. Researchers and experts in the specific disease now know this isn't true (and those of us who had to find out in order to get diagnosed). but some doctors don't yet.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Dear One, It really sounds like you are a happy person. What you might consider though is going to the doctor to find out why you are tired most of the time. Also, try to eat better. Being tired all of the time will cause personality changes, and maybe this is what your family is noticing. Take good care.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    fatigue problems from diabetes? Avoid sugar.

    Get checked.

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