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How Do You Remove The Center Dashboard Storage Bin From a 2005 Subaru Outback?

I have a 2005 Subaru Outback (3rd generation '05-'09). I damaged the door that covers the storage bin that sits dead center on my dashboard, flanked by the center air vents, and has the clock display directly below it. I want to pull this assembly out to see if I can repair the door, but I do not know how to remove the assembly. I need to know if it is just clipped in, or if there are screws somewhere. I could not find screws when I looked, but I didn't want to start prying on things until I knew for sure how this thing comes out.

1 Answer

  • 9 years ago
    Favourite answer

    Its a Subaru, it is always screwed in most of the time. Never that easy just to unclip it.

    According to the service manual, it looks like it only has clips holding it in. Here is the removal description :::::

    Remove the three pawls and connector to remove center air vent grill

    Not sure what the heck a pawl is, but that is what you get from Jenglish(Japanese/English Translation service manuals)

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