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MetalBitch asked in Beauty & StyleHair · 9 years ago

Hair care question....?

So at the moment, I wash my hair every second day. I use dove shampoo and conditioner and I shampoo twice then condition and leave that in for about 3 minutes before washing it out. I want to start washing my hair every third day as I have blue hair at the moment and the more I wash, the faster it comes out. But on the 3rd day my hair generally looks pretty oily and yuck and smells; is there anything I can apply or do to my hair that would prevent this or at least make it not look so gross?

Thanks guys

3 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favourite answer

    Switch to a color protector shampoo and conditioner and wash your hair in really cold water.

  • 9 years ago

    Definitely do not use dry shampoo. I have tried it and it makes the hair even more greasy. You could probably just spritz some water on your hair and try to style from there. That's what I do to my hair and it comes out fine.

  • 9 years ago

    use dry shampoo? or u could try using less oily and greesy products? or u could not use conditioner as that contains alot of oils but im not sure how that would turn out x

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