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What are the most beautiful walks in Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales?

Would like to do a walking holiday for a month to two months and would like ideas about the best walks in these areas. Don't want to be tramping in complete wilderness but don't want to be surrounded by other walkers either... many thanks!

4 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favourite answer

    All of our national trails go through beautiful and varied scenery

    My personal favourites are the South Downs Way in southern England and the more remote and wilder Offas Dyke Trail that runs along the England/Wales border

    The U.K. is covered with unspoilt and very varied landscapes. Personally I would recoomend the

    Forest of Dean and the Wye Valley

    South Shropshire encompassing the Long Mynd, the Stipperstones, Wenlock Edge and the Mortimer Foresr

    The North Wessex Downs in West Berkshire/Wiltshire are a personal favourite too

    The Peak District

    The Ordnance Survey Landranger Maps are large scale maps covering the whole country in great detail including the manny long distance and local paths You can also buy them in large bookshops and Amazon's U.K. sites. There are many published walking guides too

  • 9 years ago

    You can go for places like Quinag, Sutherland, Sandwood Bay, Sutherland,Dun da Lamh, Invernessshire,Beinn Alligin, Wester Ross,Beinn Alligin, Wester Ross and many more.

    All these places are the best among all.I have been to this place many time in the past ad every time I find something new about the place it is really amazing and my stay in mackays self catering cottages really makes the trip even more entertaning.

    For more details visit their website:

  • 9 years ago


  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    So you mean in the UK and Republic of Ireland....?Google country walks etc...There are too many to list....Hate it when some just LUMP all of Ireland with the UK...ONLY Northern Ireland is British..,.There is an IRELAND section too......

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